
Responses from detlof

Late Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Kempf, Gulda, Backhaus, Gieseking, Solomon,Schnabel, Richter,Arrau,Casadesus. 
voltage/power requirements in different countries
It will not, Aida is right. 
My Jadis Int amp. distorts in the upper mid-range
So the culprit is either the Jadis or in the Meitner gear.400 hours is nothing as far as tube life is concerned and in my experience the KT90s are very reliable. You also said nothing about your tubes not glowing right. For example bright firework... 
My Jadis Int amp. distorts in the upper mid-range
Newbee makes a very good point again. Please tell us about the rest of your system.By the way, have you checked the soldering in your wires. Are your connections clean and tight? If not , this also can cause distortion, though probably not to such... 
Best Tube recommendation for Jadis Orchestra Reff.
Saffy, as I said: Stick with your KT90, but get a matched quad and if money is not an object, try to get a matched pair of the fabulous ECC803s by Telefunken. But then that is overkill. An ordinary well matched and tested pair of normal Tele ECC83... 
My Jadis Int amp. distorts in the upper mid-range
Newbee has made a good point: Does your amp distort at all sound levels or only when you crank it really up? I doubt if it is clipping though, because most Jadis gear clipps rather benignly. Have you checked your tubes, when you power up your amp?... 
London or Europe Anyone: Changing Voltage Again?
Aida, basically I agree with you of course, only where does "decency", as you put it, begin and where does it end?Transformers WILL change the sound of a transparent rig, sometimes to quite an amazing degree, even changing the tonal balance of an ... 
London or Europe Anyone: Changing Voltage Again?
CW, I'm afraid you cannot generalise. I use both 230 and 110 VAC gear in my system here in Switzerland. I've just bought a pair of Jadis 200 mono amps from Canada, and they could easily be converted to 230VAC by resoldering a couple of wires on th... 
Quad 988 / 989 reliability ??
Lucky you Manati and yes, when they work, they are wonderful transducers and hard to beat. By the way, I've found a way to stop the clicking and bubbling, ticking etc in my 989s by raising the humidity in the music room. As simple as that.Cheers, 
Drawbacks from selling overseas ?
Albert, your open, generous and unchauvinistic attitude is to be commended, I find. Audiophiles are a worldwide comunity, bonded by a common passion. I fully agree with the requirements you mention in your post. If that is settled, all goes well. ... 
How could High End audio be improved?
Beautiful Asa, both pieces, beautiful and touching. Thanks! 
How could High End audio be improved?
Yes Asa, interesting, which to my mind just goes to show, that many people basically are not what they truly and honestly think what they are, though they will fight their conception of self tooth and nail. This is true not only of the materialist... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Nrchy...are you serious? Just enjoy the music and don't "let yourself be sickenend by the mind's grey thoughts" translation out of Goethe's "Faust", above all: congratulations for getting a new plaything ! 
plz help ?? voltage converter
Aball's last suggestion in my opinion is only important with certain TT motors or other analog devices which are clocked to 60 hz. Otherwise it does not really matter if you drive your amps or preamps at 50/60 or even more and variable cycles, as ... 
Digitally remastered vinyl?
To my ears, TWL and Viridian are absolutely right, they sound mostly pretty flat on a good vinyl system.