
Responses from detlof

plz help ?? voltage converter
Arni is right, do as he says. Cheers, 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Great response Nrchy!LOL!! 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Hear, hear!!! 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Asa, your above thoughts about mind (consciousness) and matter ("real"world) seem to me highly Jaynseian, hence only once removed Jungian and I could not agree more. (Sorry, generally it seems to please you less, when you are agreed with (-; )Gree... 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Unsound :A very sound statement to my mind and true for most of the professional musicians I am familiar with. Cheers, 
Record-playing Rituals?
By Jove, me thought, thou didst protest too much, but now sweet truth is flowing from your lips as honeydew in spring. A pox on all, who forthwith doubt your words. 
Record-playing Rituals?
To wit, dear Zaike, 'tis not the unctions which do tell on you, 'tis cartridge-tonearm settings which forsooth betrayeth you as hooked through and through.... 
Record-playing Rituals?
Zaike, old mate, not a chance. You've been hooked long ago and you know it....Postscriptum: Does your lady perchance have an elder sister? 
Record-playing Rituals?
Sean, I just cannot give you a definite answer. I've tried a lot, incl. homebrew and I am more than confused. They all do something to the sound, but according to my ears, the results are anything but uniform. Some lps seem to improve, some not, e... 
Are there any absolute truths???
Albert, you speak only too true. I've had all of this happen. As well as guests worried about "electro-smog" and complaining that the system does not sound like a radio and hence is scary, because there are no musicians the eyes could latch onto.... 
Are there any absolute truths???
There are a few absolute truths:1. Keep your connections clean for good sound.2. Get the grounding of your components right for good sound.3. Get the right polarity in your equipment for good sound4. Check for room reflections for good sound.5. Ex... 
Can "Mullard" tubes be labeled as RCA, GE, etc?
No tubes are "best". It depends on the circuit you are using them in and on your hearing preferences. On the other hand, Mullard and Telefunken, also the Amperex bugleboys are the most popular (and costly )amongst audiophiles. Mullard has manufact... 
What is "critical listening"?
Maskes two of us Greg 
Am I nuts or what?
Of course you aren't nuts. Perhaps partly though on second thoughts, because it took you so long to find out. (-: 
music , mind , thought and emotion
To me music can be as a catalyst, which opens my mind, which silences thought and all wanting and in the openess it can afford, and in what rushes in, there is a taste sometimes of the essence of our existence. Words here are nothing but a clumsy ...