
Responses from detlof

Is Audiophilia hereditary and or contagious?
Clueless, I do see your point, only I thought that was normal. Well thanks for enlightening me. You live and learn. But then probably that is delusional as well. Another thoughtful cheer in your direction from 
Is Audiophilia hereditary and or contagious?
Warm greetings, comrade in arms,.. and how true you speak... Even Remaining Clueless Can Be A Delusion! Three hearty cheers across the waters from ye olde nutcase 
Predictions about effects of new feature
True, true... 
Do cartridges need warm-up?
Albert makes a very good point. The ambient temperature is critically important and should ideally not be lower than 25 degrees centrigrade (Spectral, Helikon, Koetsu, Insider). Another parameter not to be neglected is humidity, which in my experi... 
Is Audiophilia hereditary and or contagious?
Males like to play, as opposed to their jobs and (generally) marital state, where they are more or less obliged to be serious. Females, ears or not, are (generally) seriously occupied with home making, husbands, kids, jobs, (not necessarily in tha... 
Tubes v. SS: can you mix and match?
Marco, again I see myself in full agreement with your thinking. In practical terms this means in my case, that in the very complex system which I have built up through the years for myself, I have learnt to prefer all tubes preamps and amps for th... 
Tubes ECC88/6DJ8? Need all the help I can get
TGM, in Jadis gear I have had the best results with:1. Telefunken ECC803s and 802s. They must have the typical Telefunken diamond imprinted as part of the glass bottom of the tube.(not silkscreened but in the glass tubebody itself!)2."Normal" Tele... 
Tubes ECC88/6DJ8? Need all the help I can get
Jax2, I am in complete agreement with you and apologise for being unclear as far as the matching of those NOS tubes is concerned. What I had in the back of my mind was exactly what you had stated at the end of you post, that contrary to the matchi... 
Tubes ECC88/6DJ8? Need all the help I can get
Sorry if I should complicate matters: The advice so far is excellent as far a personal taste, listening habits etc are concerend. Also there is a definite advantage of the ECC802s over the ordinary brands of ECC 82s as regards tube life, freedom o... 
Tube amps you have heard with Quad 989
Ivanj, Teles and goldpin mullards on the input side, 8 mullards, double getters, for drivers. Expensive but worth it. Did so on the advice of Albert Porter. On the SS side, I still swear on Spectral amps,(360 monos) by the way. Cheers, 
Tube amps you have heard with Quad 989
Got unto this thread running Quad 989 with Wolcotts. Perfect soundstage, beautiful open sound, nice highs and plenty of slamm in the bass. Highly recommended combination to my ears! 
Record Cleaner Side Effects?
What I think interesting is, that a majority finds the washing and cleaning process essential and that at the same time there is a tiny minority of people who find the very same process detrimental to the quality of LP reproduction. In my experien... 
Record Cleaner Side Effects?
Most LPs profit, with sometimes really shockingly good results regarding soundstage and presence and some simply do not, lose in presence and immediacy, which can be equally clearly evident. I have still to find out why this is so. The percentage ... 
Why vinyl?
Well spoken from there downunder! HEAR-HEAR!PS: You forgot to add the Goldmund Reference to your list of analog gear which is exceptional. Cheers, 
Keith Jarrett recommendation
Here is something for classical fans and it is on CDA double CD box in fact: Dimitri Shostakovitch: "Preludes and Fugues", wonderfully played by Jarret, though I prefer the rendering by Nikolajewa on Melodija.....