
Responses from detlof

Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Clueless, please stay, ASA is not hostile, he's probing you. He needs partners, strong partners to talk to, he's lonely and those he chides, he respects and loves. Don't take it personally. He wants to draw you out, because he needs more of you. S... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
True Asa, the karmic energy is still here. Jung was one of us and he saw more than the most of us and he failed like all of us, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty he stood his ground like only few of us. True Clueless, I find little fault ... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Fascinating point you make Nrchy. I think the fear of the "red tide"..and the yellow one at that, was a real fear in the upper classes, in the haute bougeoisie and the nobility. Not so in the lower middleclass,the "Kleinbürger" where the "Bewegung... 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
I've now read the entire thread and can well understand Maxgain's anger. I'd also lower my horns at Crusty's language, even though I would defend his rights for freedom of speech and the freedom to have his opinions. I've owned the gear he's menti... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
You don't need a lifevest Asa the way you swim and I see your point Greg. I doubt that CGJ liked Goebbels though. Again: He was fascinated by Nazism, which he saw as a collective psychosis, with Hitler as a head-shaman, possessed. This fascinated ... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Rather not kill him ASA, we need him, since the righteous, the politically correct and the Philistines are generally in the majority. He certainly was none of that. 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Nrchy yes, he was a political fool, realised too late what was going on in the "Reich", but was fascinated not by the man Hitler, but by the phenomenon Hitler and the sort of mass psychosis which was going on in Germany at the time, it seemed to f... 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
unclekrusty he da man...he sure knows what he's talking about, at least as far as my pair of ears go! 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Sub, interesting, do they employ Jungians without a green card?ASA he lived in it, I think and creatively, which is hardly comfortable and yes, he "co-existed", I think, in the way you so astutely describe. a stable sense transcending..diffi... 
Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck
Asa, I am with you as regards psychology and those "treating" in the name of it, not so in the case of Jung. It is not a question of coexistence, that is far too comfortable, it is a paradoxon, which has to be born and lived through until it becom... 
Dvorak 9th Symphony
Greg is the man, as usual, in things classical, I love the Fricsay, but Reiner with the Chicago SO (not one of the better shaded dogs though) is not to be despised either. Cheers, 
How many things do you have plugged in?
Greg, I haven't counted them and I don't want to. Reminds me of the electricity bill...awgh 
Acapella ion tweeters
Norm sorry, have no idea, where to find Coronas, in fact I must admit, I didn't even know they existed. You are right, it is quite difficult to mate the plasmas with the rest of the system and I found, I could only pull it off together with my sta... 
Acapella ion tweeters
Vahe, hearing is believing. You cannot even imagine how good they are. I couldn't either until I heard them for the first time and I'm not even exaggerating. They are probably the most important piece of equipment I've ever obtained in my long car... 
Vinyl and slurring S'es
Marakanetz, why so sarcastic? Bear seems quite sincere and who knows, may well be right. Give him a chance or at least the benefit of the doubt. I know people, whose ears I trust, who find that his ICs do just what he says.