Responses from dctom
Tidal vs ATC I have used active ATCs for about 15 years. The first pair a classic 50s then anniversary 50s - I now have a pair of the tower 100s with the anniversary amp packs I purchased as a special order, together with a C6 sub. I have not heard the Tidals.... | |
Again the topic of weight of amps Active speakers are a good way to save space. | |
linn sondek tt Hi davey - before you go could you answer my earlier question concerning your post of.......01-06-2019 1:49am"Having placed the Kuzma into the same system as the LP12 Klimax, all who heard the system preferred the Linn....that day and with the sam... | |
linn sondek tt The last LP12 I had was in 2005 current spec at the time, lingo 2 etc.I initially used naim electronics with it - then a BAT ph10 se, BAT 51se and Benz ebony LP - much better than the naim sound. I used the same Bat gear and cart with the sme an... | |
Kuzma/Koetsu feedbak?? Have a XL DC upgraded from my previous XL 4. I use a 4pt and ref313 arm.Have tried a Coral stone in the 4pt - they did not gel at all, produced a rather dull and un-dynamic sound.My friend who brought the coral stone over has heard similar result... | |
linn sondek tt I had Linns for 20yrs. Went through the upgrade cycle Linn so cleverly incorporated into ownership. Compared my dealer set up LP12 to a mitchell orbe fitted with an ekos and Lyra cart, as was my Linn - preferred the Orbe. My initial replacement ... | |
Tube vs Solid State I know someone who drives his BW 800s with krell monos and uses 2 x velodyne subs - sounds great | |
Chord Dave or Ayre QX5 Twenty DAC??? Hi you might be interested in this post on audio sharkthey compare the Ayre Qx 5, chord dave, Lampi, Berkeley Ref 2http://www.audioshark.org/showthread.php?t=11309&page=4&p=193534&viewfull=1%23post193534post number 35 | |
Lyra Atlas experiences I use a kuzma 4pt for my Atlas. Have had a range of carts in the Kuzma, Benz, airtight, vdh etc. The Atlas is the best sounding, excellent dynamics, tonality and tracking. I did have a sme 20 with the the smeV arm, but this was previous to me o... | |
Leaving the Naim game . . . I ended up with a similar naim system - 250s, isobariks, full LP12 etc for almost 20 years, having "upgraded" along the way.I woke one day about 12 yrs ago and wondered why I hardly ever played anything on it.Eventually got some ATC active speake... | |
Advice on best upgrade path for a Mac Mini setup It may not make sense but it is the case.It is generally accepted a ssd will decrease the noise within the computer's environment helping SQ. The music is contained in an external HD.I used the same playback software on the Mac with OSX and when ... | |
Advice on best upgrade path for a Mac Mini setup I found the most improvement in my, quite old mac mini (approx 8yr), was to replace the hd with a ssd loaded with linux. the sound quality was probably 25% better. Subjective I know - however I compared it directly with the dell lap top I previou... | |
Active studio monitors anyone? I have used various active ATCs for over 10 years. With the right ancillary gear they sound fantastic, they are not over analytical or fatiguing, create an amazing sound stage and are pretty cost effective.I heard The magico Q7s ii driven by const... | |
CARTRIDGE WOES? Analogue can throw up unexpected results, there are so many variables in adjustment, phono stages etc.I owned a Linn TT in the past and changed my supex cart for the then "must have" toika cart. It was set up for me by the dealer - even so it was ... | |
Treating Floor in New Construction - Reducing Footfall and Vibration My room is over the garage. Fortunately the garage is quite high so I was able to strengthen the music room floor by running two 10in deep joists under and perpendicular to the existing joists. I laid a very dense sound deadening materialhttp://ww... |