

Responses from davt

Comments about Nottingham quirks
I am usually not very critical of these write ups but this one was a little over the top. There is good reason not to use a finger lift on a unipivot design, I have gotten so used to the "kick start" on my nottingham that an on/off switch is a pai... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
You audition an amplifier that your really love and it sounds better than all the others but you decide against it because it is not expensive enough. You end up buying the next best sounding one that costs a lot more. 
Left channel sounds louder
I have had that due to three things. 1) one channel was recorded or mixed louder, happened once on a poorly mixed re-issue LP. 2) The rectifier tube on my phono stage was going out and it resulted in a marked decrease in right channel volume, this... 
The best "imaging" speakers?
I think that you would have to look at what is the best imaging speaker/amp combination. I have a pair of dynaudio special 25's and Verity Audio Parsifals and they both image very well. Hook them up with VTL tube amps and triode and it is amazing.... 
Belles 21A with Auricap
The 21A with auricaps will have big large yellow auricaps when you take the top off. You can see them through the vents as well with the cover on. I have a 21A with auricaps that will eventually be sold as I upgrade my system but it will be the la... 
CD player recommendations under $2K used
I think that the Arcam is a great choice, I actually prefer the 33 over the 36 but would state that as a personal bias. I think that this CDP is often overlooked because of a lack of "bling". Recently upgraded to a Naim CDX2. If you could swing th... 
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead
A good audio dealer is a very wise investment. I have always loved the Verity Parsifal speakers. My local audio dealer had a customer who bought a pair new a few years ago and decided to go home theater or something and wanted to change. The deale... 
The Most Musical Class A/B Power Amplifier??
I have had a Belles Ref. 150A for a few years now and it has been great. I am currently auditioning the Belles Ref.350A and it is even better, more musical, delicate, detailed. I really like it. I have looked at the Pass 250.5 and Sim audio but th... 
Turntable on a $5k budget?
Within the budget also plan for a record cleaning machine, the VPI 16.5 is great. For turntables, though I prefer the Nottingham VPI makes a great turntable and arm in the scoutmaster and if you don't like vinyl or you plan on upgrading it is easy... 
Phono pre amp
Manley steelhead, it would also allow one other source if you choose at a later date. 
Opinion on Nakamichi azimuth tape decks please
Manual azimuth is not that hard to use but I do think that the Dragon is the only Nak with auto, not sure of any others. 
Clearaudio stylus life
I have not, I have not used but have admired Clearaudio cartridges. I would not be surprised at the 2000hrs. though. Looking at thier web site the MC carts carry a two year warranty alone and I doubt that they would warranty a product until near t... 
Amp for Verity Parsifal encore
Thanks for the ideas. There are a few amps that I am unfamiliar with and will do some further research. Just what I was hoping to find. 
Amp for Verity Parsifal encore
Tvad, that is the plan for now, to stick with the belles which is no big sacrafice. I do know that these speakers have more to offer however and sometime next year I will make the next big upgrade. I have thought about a second 150A but if I stay ... 
Tube Rolling with MiniMax
I am also using RCA 5751 black plates after a lot of searching. I have used the Tung sol 6x4 as well as my current Ratheoyn 6x4. The sound is wonderful. Very airy, detailed, good solid base. I have thought of upgrading my phono stage because I fel...