

Responses from coltrane1

Internet radio stations that sound really good
For jazz fans it's tough to beat jazz radio in Moscow, Russia:http://101.ru/?an=port_channel_mp3&channel=85Having traveled extensively throughout Russia and Ukraine upon first arrival I was pleasantly surprised to discover jazz radio in St. Pe... 
iPod to iTunes
Check out the iPod or iPhone to MAC software at macroplant.comGoogle them because AG won't allow to post a link.I've not used it but being a Mac man it appeared legit.If that doesn't work for you check out the forum at Computer Audiophile or the M... 
Cayin A88T - My Favorite Amp Out of Numerous - FYI
I've owned the A70T and A50T. Both very impressive. I'm not impressed with the idea of turning over an amp just to bias it. Seems Cayin put more into the look of the A88T and skimped on the functionality of having easy bias access on top of the am... 
can i improve my system with a better cd player?
"can i improve my system with a better cd player?"Sure thing. Buy a modest vinyl rig and you'll hear the difference vinyl brings to the plate. I've a so called 'hi end cd player'. I've also got 6 turntables. End of discussion. 
What's your best 5U4GB rectifier tube and why?
I acquired a pair of NOS Tung-Sols to sample first. Frankly I'd be surprised to hear if swapping rectifier tubes will make a noticeable difference but I'm open minded. Thanks to all who chimed in w/ suggestions! 
used SET amp under $1500 suggestion
Charles1dad, for sure it would coast driving Zu's or any other higher sensitivity rated speaker. But I was truly amazed that the amp was capable of driving a pair of electrostats that commonly dip below 2 ohms. This modestly priced integ loaded wi... 
best sounding integrated for under 2500.00
Grant Fidelity A-534B juiced up with premium black treasures and Psvane driver tubes all around. Complete with remote for less than your reference price. Superb performance! 
used SET amp under $1500 suggestion
At the $2500 budgetary max for an integrated I'd acquire a Grant Fidelity A534B, a 9 watt 300B Class A SET design maxed out with premium black treasure tubes, both 300b and 6CA7's, and psvane 12ax7 drivers, and still have a bit left over for vinyl... 
Any vets among the Audiophiles here?
Macrojack, it's encouraging to hear someone who hasn't drank their kool-aid. I just can't understand the ignorance of the public at large. Their latest invention, the "TP" created by who but one of there own who retired as a Texas house member, we... 
Any vets among the Audiophiles here?
Mrmitch you're preachin' to the choir brother! I'll go a step further and say all those who currently hold a seat in power who've repeatedly used patriotism and the troops as a political weapon every chance they get, whilst at the same time voting... 
My Marantz TT-15 and Parasound JC3 don't get along
I hope for your sake that you've taken steps to make your place more secure. Burglar's will commonly return to locations where they've stolen hi end electronics gear on the likelihood that a homeowner will make a new purchase after an insurance se... 
Upgrading from Martin Logan SL3s
Having owned virtually every ML speaker during the time frame you've owned the SL3's, 1995-present, I'd suggest you're so accustomed to the ML signature sound it's tough leaving ML and finding pleasing performance in a traditional 3 way design. I'... 
Best tube integrated under 1500 new or used
I've owned the PrimaLuna's, the Cayin's, and far and away the best integrated going for my money is the Yaqin MS300B integrated. Breathtaking 300B tube performance at a cost that doesn't break the bank, and it will even drive an electrostat to mor... 
Why Don't We See More High Current Electronics?
As a former owner of VK1000 mono's and many other Pass 600 sized monster blocks I for one don't miss having to place amps of that size any more. 95dB and above speakers driven by an 8 watt 300B SET is as good as it gets for truly refined sound. Bu... 
Best Stevie Wonder Album?
A 3rd for Innervisions. "Golden Lady" has one of the hottest intro's to any R/B song ever written. Very sly intro transforming from a rubato ballad to a dance rhythm. Nicely done album all around and easily competes with EWF's "the way of the worl...