

Responses from coltrane1

Made in USA
2 USA preamps, 1 SS, 1 tube 1 USA SS monoblock amps USA phono pre UK cd transport USA dac Netherland built tube monoblocks 4 Japanese turntables 2 Chinese built tube integrated’s, both outstanding products USA built speakers and sub I don... 
Why didn't I sell my vinyl rig?
Anyone who feels vinyl is a hassle needs to slow down. You’re saying that 1 minute to clean a record is too much of a hassle, instead you want instant gratification of a lesser quality of music.    Clean records with a quality record cleaner. Inv... 
Tube or solid state
Tube monoblocks  Tube preamp   
What I wish I knew before starting my audiophile journey
You forgot your wish to invest in a quality turntable.   
Has anyone noticed a slow down in sales?
I’ve seen good buys on USAudioMart sit for months. Not a good sign.   
Speakers with deep/powerful bass
I’ve always failed to understand the obsession with bass. Give me an exceptional midrange any day of the week. Maybe I’m simply in the minority.   
Jazz for aficionados
@jafant YES!!!  
My PerfectWave dac is working!
I’m wondering why the amps aren’t working either. I don’t feel like the seller would intentionally sell non working amps. But neither is working. I’m at a loss for words. I’ve contacted the seller. Let’s see if he responds and see what he says.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
Yes, the entire system, with the pre, transport, dac, and integrated, is operating wonderfully. The problem is the monoblocks I purchased from AG a month ago are not producing sound. But why would I not obtain sound from both amplifiers? Can any... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
!!!!!!!!!! Good news, and bad news. The integrated with the preamp WORKS! So apparently, the monoblocks I purchased on Audiogon apparently aren’t working. I purchased them 3.5 weeks ago. And I highly doubt that the seller is going to believe t... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
I work! Lol!  
My PerfectWave dac is working!
I still have 2 tube integrated’s. I’ll try the one I just purchased brand new last year. Thank you!  
My PerfectWave dac is working!
The dac does the identical thing with the usb connection. If my computer is off the dac still displays a green dot with a blue light on the dac. Why, because a usb connection is made on the PWD.    The fact that I also have zero sound with the ph... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
No, the lock light remains green on the dac when the cxc is in standby. I assumed because it’s selected as the source.    I’ve yet to hear the monoblocks with the ML’s. They arrived 3 weeks ago, but I had to wait for a preamp to arrive. Prior to ... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
@georgeab thank you I’ll look into that!