
Responses from ckoffend

theta casablanca 3 audiophile qlty stereo sound?
Stick, my apologies, in my haste, I had attributed what Dan wrote about his and his buddies experience to you. 
3-d sounding headphones.....
First, you may want to check out for the best feedback and recommendations on cans. Second, I just got some JVC Victor 1000s that are great, but for a lot of money ($1,000 new and only avail. in Japan) but there is/was a used pair here ... 
theta casablanca 3 audiophile qlty stereo sound?
Stick, your comment that you and your friends were blown away by your current system. This being the case, and my impression that you are totally satisfied, then why change anything? Perhaps you are at the point where the improvements that you may... 
theta casablanca 3 audiophile qlty stereo sound?
You will get better two channel performance with the ARC Ref. 3 and the Cary SLP-05 than the Theta. However, you indicated (or perhaps somebody else did) that you are using the Dreadnaught amplifier. This will be your limiting factor with 2-channe... 
Good budget sub for music?
Rel Q Series or a REL Storm III if your budget will allow. Very easy to integrate, very musical. The Q's won't take you to the bottom octaves, but are a very nice, fast, musical sub which it sounds like what you are looking for. I don't know your ... 
tube rolling
First, have you confirmed that your phono amp will allow this? Secondly, the 6H23 tubes are a design that seems to have very love/hate opinions regarding. There are quite a few tube lovers who state that they do not like them as they do not produc... 
theta casablanca 3 audiophile qlty stereo sound?
The benefit of the built-in DACs on the Theta is a matter of opinion in terms of the benefits delivered. Obviously, the better the quality of your CDP, the less benefit the built-in DACs will deliver. However, if one has a mid level CDP or already... 
Choice of preamplifier: help
Based on your comments on the CJ preamp, I would strongly recommend looking into both/either the Calypso and/or the AR preamps (as also referenced by AudioFeil). Both of these preamps will deliver more detail and resolution than you will typically... 
theta casablanca 3 audiophile qlty stereo sound?
Depends on your definition of "high end" stereo sound. This is a pricey pre/pro and my experience with pre/pro (in this general range, ie. pretty expensive) is that they can do a very admiral job with 2-channel, but not to the degree that a good t... 
Choice of preamplifier: help
I would add the Aesthetix Calypso to your batch. It offers very good detail and resolution (better than most tubed preamps that I have heard/owned) yet is an excellent unit for tube rolling. It offers excellent spatial characteristics and is very ... 
Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?
With regard to trimming the discs, I suspect that doing this is for reasons other than "balancing" the disc. My company manufacturers equipment for the optical disc industry where we have an 85-90% worldwide market share. Every disc that is manufa... 
Airport Express wav file vs CD played thru iTunes
Eric - there are several anti-jitter units available, both old and new. The older ones were made by Audio Alchemy and also Genesis' digital lens (I believe did this). There are some modern day DACs that also incorporate jitter reduction and other ... 
DAC for Krell KPS 20i
Yolly, I have a 1/2 meter Cardas Gold Cross (balanced) that I purchased with my CD players (Opus 21 with GNSC) thinking that I may want to warm things up a bit (I run a Krell amp - I do like Krell). I installed the Golden Cross and found that if d... 
High End Audio CD Players? Headphone Socket
I guess it depends on how high of a sound quality you are after? Having used and owned some very good DACs and also some moderate dacs, such as those indicated above, you will find that a good transport will make a big difference over a cheap and ... 
High End Audio CD Players? Headphone Socket
Cable types are going to be either typical single ended RCA cables and/or XLR balanced cables. Most better CD players have both a balanced out and single ended out. As a result, you can run the balanced out to your main preamp and the single ended...