
Responses from ckoffend

SACD availability?
1st place to check is This is a montly club membership for CDs and SACDs at 6.99 ea. including shipping. You can join and quit at any time. One CD minimum per month. They have a minimalist collection of SACDs, but at the price, it i... 
dac's ?
First, I will assume you mean a DAC, then I will assume you mean a DCS DAC.The amount of improvement obtained for a DAC to accept the digital output of the "entry" level Krell CDP will depend on the quality of the DAC. There are many, many new and... 
CD players with no or configurable upsampling
Mrjstark is stating an opinion and this is by no means a fact. Many, not all, would disagree with this statement completely while others would agree totally.Perhaps you would want to take a look at several of the best digital equipment companies i... 
Do newer releases of CD's sound any better?
The discs of the 80's were generally the worst (with some exceptions). Current discs in many cases are just as bad and so much of the engineering work down now days on popular music is mixed as much for MP3 performance as it is for full resolution... 
AE1 / Totem / Dynaudio,which one is better?
Better yet, look at the Mani from Totem. Though the one is also a good speaker, but in my opinion that Mani is "the" Totem speaker with regards to monitors. 
DAC to add warmth and fullness to Linn Ikemi
Be cautious with trying to impact sound attributes too much with cables. The idea of significantly warming up the sound of your system with a single cable switch is very likely to resutl in other trade-offs. While cables can and certainly do contr... 
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables
Kijanki, I hear you. But one of my concerns is with many of these cable companies is when does the marketing end and the real engineering begin. Even with digital cables, there are certainly some cable manufacturers who clearly point out that the ... 
Exchange Rate Positively Affecting Caliburn Price?
The short term change in the Australian dollar will not have any impact on pricing here in the States. Longerterm exchange rates may well tell a different story. The A dollar's drop is quite recent and the currency exchange markets are very unstab... 
DAC to add warmth and fullness to Linn Ikemi
Your GBP is pretty close to $2K which if you hunt and search could almost get you a DCS delius without 1394. That would be my highest recommendation. I have gone through some pretty good digital in the past couple of months and that is one helluva... 
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables
The temporary cables that I have tried, to confirm that I am getting the full 24/192 upsampling sound very good. As I previously mentioned, to upconvert to this level, it is required that I used two balanced digital cables to handle the full bandw... 
Help with Pre-Amps
I would also consider the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 preamp. Tube rolling is just changing tubes to find the ones you enjoy the most. As a guitar player, you have been doing this in all likelihood with your guitar amps.Another good grouping of us... 
DAC to add warmth and fullness to Linn Ikemi
Tobias, I like that call on the Apogee DAC. That is a good DAC, I have heard it but not in my system so I cannot say its character regarding warmth - but a very good DAC indeed. I think there is even one of these for sale right now (10/1/08). For ... 
to rel or not to rel
Do you have a dual mono amp? If so, the wiring for the REL subs in different in these circumstances. With the normally recommended speak-on connection, you end up bridging the two channels so that both speakers are getting both channels. This may ... 
Songs about ecology
Check out the entire No Nukes Two CD set. This was a live recording of an event similar to Woodstock with a great variety of music. Some really great performances to boot. 
What am I doing???
Sell your cars, refinance your house and by all means get divorced and put your kids up for adoption. You can get a really good turntable that will make you want to upgrade everything else to match it!If you are happy with your existing performanc...