
Responses from ckoffend

Martin logan vs. B&W
Not sure if it is necessarily fair to say there are much better speakers at these price ranges. Speakers are so subjective. I agree there are very different speakers than both the ML and B&W speakers at and below this price range and many peop... 
Martin Logan Summit
Objective1, you made the following statement (below):"I do like to listen loud, and these speakers are very transparent. You will end up driving them very loud before you get the same kind of 'full' feeling you get from traditional drivers." Corre... 
Receiver vs. processer?
The answer is completely dependant on whether 2-channel performance will be an important factor for you. If you are used to good 2-channel performance and want to maintain two channel but also have surround for movies, then keep your preamp and po... 
Martin Logan Summit
While I myself have not run the Summits, I am somewhat familiar with the demands of these speakers and also with MLs to a much lesser degree. First thing is you should check out the ML owners site (just google it and it will show up first) and you... 
Audio Aero Capitole 24/196
Pdreher, I tried reaching Jody a couple of times but have not yet made contact. The whole topic sort of fell off my urgent screen and now I hope to get a chance to talk to him later this week. When I find something out I will post it. The problem ... 
Reference level cables that are 10-years old? buy?
Frank, if you haven't returned these cables yet, you should do so immediately and get your money back. Just let me know as soon as you return them so I can protect everybody else by making sure nobody else can buy them and get ripped of like this!... 
Help with cable choice please?
Your question is very important when running from the preamp to the amp. The output impedence of a fixed level CD player is not an issue. While this does not address your question, the fact that the output impedence of your CD player is not refere... 
Martin logan vs. B&W
Davewav1, I don't think I could agree at all with your statement about the soundstage of MLs being like listening with headphones. I have owned a lot of speakers in recent years, including Thiel 2.2 (while not the 2.3, they are very close). I like... 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 TRL Audio mod
My only concern would be whether it is as good. Can he give you any referals? Also, not sure how this would affect resale value vs. a GNSC modded unit. Last time I spoke with Steve at GNSC he was going to be raising his price for this mod. and pos... 
Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8
Wow, reading up a bit (above) this is certainly not a glowing recommendation for the Rives designed rooms. Two expensively designed, almost cost no object rooms, both with bass problems? I would have suspected that paying the big bucks for a profe... 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
I am not so sure that I agree completely with these statements in full. I went with the 5.1s over the Sophias, based on my personal preference. I actually like the Duettes better than the Sophia's as well. I think the Sophia (#1/one are the speake... 
room treatment effectiveness
In my opinion it strongly depends on what you are trying to accomplish and the problems that exist before beginning. My expience for best results is in addressing a very lively room with excessive echo/reverberation. This can be done with both app... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Duonri, That is great. I would definately be looking for your review and feedback. As I have previously mentioned, it is probably only the Ref. 3 that I would prefer over my Calypso, though I did consider several at the time of purchase. I just co... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
KC - I can't honestly say how long the tubes last. I have only owned my unit for a couple of months and much of that time it has ended up with a variety of tubes in it. I would suspect that at this point, if I had a pair of tubes with 250 hours on... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Jafox, Thanks for the recs. I actually have a pair of both the Valvo and the Amperex PQ pinched waste tubes and like them both. After the previous comments, I went back and looked at my tube box. But I honestly don't see as big of an impact with t...