
Responses from ckoffend

Airport Express wav file vs CD played thru iTunes
The one thing you have indicated that could be involved with the sound quality is when you indicate:"is the wav file encoder for iTunes the issue?"My question to this is are you ripping your CD to your computer using a WAV lossless file then impor... 
DAC for Krell KPS 20i
That would be a good choice. It sounds like you are looking to add some warmth (which to me increases emotion to some extent), but at the same time you indicate that the 777 also displayed greater detail than the 20i. Of course, these were in diff... 
DAC for Krell KPS 20i
Just out of curiosity, what about the sound of the 20 are you not satisfied with? What are you looking to achieve with a DAC in terms of "improved" or "different" sound? This will certainly assist with DAC recommendations. Also, are you running th... 
Digital Cable SPDIF/COAX to AES/EBU Balanced?
Thanks for the reply JWP. I currently have an Opus 21 with the GNSC mods that I bought from Steve, he is a great guy. According to DH Labs, they reported to me the following:DH Labs D-75 rca to BNC and put a 75ohm to 110ohm adapter on it. This is ... 
iTransport for Zune
I was just noticing last night that my son's Sansa has a connection that looks identical to the wider connection of the IPOD connectors for hooking up to the computer. Since the Wadia unit is configured to work with this connection type, I am thin... 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
While I suspect that a pair can be purchased new from a dealer at a better price without requiring the in-home set-up etc. . . I don't think that the discount will be significant. I understand the Sophia's are selling fairly well and this is typic... 
Cassette Recorded to CD via Analog Jacks?
Point one, Cassette Tapes are questionable to beging with. In my experience, they have a very short life span. However, your connection of the tape decks analog output to the CDR's analog input then immediately gets converted via the CDR's Analog ... 
Does coloring the edges of CD's help the sonics?
The straight green marker and other green products approach does not work. You need to start with a layer of yellow, then a layer of blue, finished off with a final and yet lighter layer of yellow. While the end color is green, it is the layering ... 
How do you repair Golden Tube SEP 3 display?
Let me know if you can't find their info, I think I have their e-mail address somewhere. But based on the second post, it looks like you found it. 
Aesthetix Calypso - High or Low Gain Setting?
Yes, I am using the 10Ms and sometimes the Mullard long plates as well. Typically I use the 10Ms during the week and put the long plates in on the weekends if I know there is going to be a lot of movie watching.I run the Amperex and also sometimes... 
In-Wall Long Runs of Speaker Cable
Try the Transparent Opus MM2, I believe it should be right around $2/3 per foot (you mean $2/3 thousand / foot, right?). Actually, you should check some of the speaker cable archives as there are many who find the stuff purchased at HDepot and Low... 
Lifespan of Power amps
There have certainly been changes to the technology, but no where near as extreme as in other components, like CD players (dah, obviously, sorry about that no brainer). How long should an amp last? That is a tough question, a well made amp should ... 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
Ravi, be happy with the Sophia's and never second guess a decision that makes you happy. To me, the differences that you outlined in your comparison with the W/P matches my opinions. In the end, it is personal taste and preference. These are speak... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Duonri, Great write up on the differences. Very similar in many ways to my impressions of the two. I run my Calypso with the low gain setting and with the NOS tubes, I find that it is quite silent (vs. with the stock tubes) and several other tubed... 
How do you repair Golden Tube SEP 3 display?
mail@soniccraft.comSoniccraft is the company that services the Golden Tube SE 40 power amps and also their other products. I would start with them.