
Responses from ckoffend

Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE
No, I don't think this has to do with break-in as it is a one year old used unit. Though 15-20 hours should show some differences if it is related to this at all. I suspect it is the difference in sound between the two units. The Cap II is very wa... 
iTransport for Zune
I don't know how much you have into the Zune, but I know there are some MP3 players that you can get a digital signal out of. I would consider doing a search as such or getting on a forum where MP3 players are discussed a bit more. Try also the he... 
iTransport for Zune
The benefit (from what I can tell of the Wadia iTransport) is that it gets a digital signal from the Ipod and that is what makes it special. I would check out the Zune site and see if it is even possible on your model to somehow pull the digital o... 
Latest Steve Winwood - Excellent
Nice comments on the Cold Play, my complaint about them as well. A better radio band than album (CD) band as the music always got old after 2-3 songs in a row. 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 TRL Audio mod
Ditto to Cruz's statements and Steve at GNSC is a truly wonderful person who does not hesitate to give his opinions when asked and always seemed very honest to me in this regard, not just promoting products he sells. 
CD Player with digital input?
Jimmy, thanks very much for your reply, especially your comments on the Esoteric. The ayre players are very good from everything that I can tell and the minimul amount I have been able to auditon at a dealers (though not in a system very similar t... 
Used B&W matching on uber-budget system
By the way, WWW.AUDIOVIDEOLOGIC.COM has the B&W LCR 600 center channel speaker on sale at 40% off, that is reportedly $299. They also have two of the larger 600 Series main speakers on sale for at least 30% off (of course this is off new price... 
Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8
Jkalman, we are interested in your updates on this and hopefully you can get these room problems addressed. 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
I still stand by my statements, having owned several pair of Wilsons as well, including side by side comparison with the Sophias (which I never purchased as I did not prefer their sound as much as the alternatives). With every comparison I made, m... 
Used B&W matching on uber-budget system
The 603 S3/2 would be the best choice of readily available B&W speakers in this range, going down to the 602.5 or the 602s. As for the center channel becoming overpowered, I don't think you are going to run into this too much. Since this sound... 
CD Player with digital input?
Jimmy, tell me what you liked about the SA-10? I understand you need the digital input so this sort of ruled this player out for you, but you commented that you really liked it. What did you like about it?FWIW, while I think the B&W speakers y... 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
Inhisservice, You are right in that people should listen to "Von Schweiker" (as you stated, and many other brands) vs. Wilson. I couldn't agree with you more, that there will be people that don't like the Wilson sound, and these people should obvi... 
Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 5.1 or..
I think coonery makes an important statement "I am not a fan at all of the Wilson Sound . . ." and then prefers the Sophia's over the W/P. I think this is common, people not liking the Wilson sound but liking the Sophias. This is the same reason w... 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 TRL Audio mod
Could be guys that Steve won't mod his Opus 21! Couple months ago I bought from Steve an new 21 with reference mods and waited for the unit to be completed. Steve informed me that he was likely, in the very near future (this was late Dec. early Ja... 
Martin Logan Summit
FWIW, I put new panels in over the weekend. They have livened up at lower, but not low listening levels. I typically run Wilson W/P and the two speakers are very different in many regards. This fact (with mine) just being one of them. The MLs have...