
Responses from ckoffend

Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Delayed response to question addressed to me by Jafant. I have tried several of the 12AX7 (which I feel impact the sound more than the 6922). I have tried a NOS pair of Telefunkens that were okay witin my system. With my other components (Krell an... 
Meridian G08 versus Wadia 581se
I would recommend an Esoteric X-03 and just figure it will be the last player you ever buy. If you go used you may be able to get one for half the price of the Wadia or even less. 
Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range
Phill, have you considered a used Esoteric DV 50? The only difference between the DV50 and the 50s is upgrades to the video side anyway. The DV50s seem to have dropped below the $2,000 price point.I have not done much to try to maximize the perfor... 
Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range
Phill, I hope I did not come across as an expert on the Cambrige 640H and the CDP plat it has within it. It does not surprise me that Cambridge has made improvements to this DAC/CDP/HD system/server. Both the CD player that was part of this device... 
Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range
I have a cambridge 640A (I believe is the model). This is the hard drive based system with the previous top of the line CDP integrated into it (at least that is how it was marketed). I use this piece regularly (primarily as a music server). I have... 
tube pre amp with tube / SS /hybrid power amp ?
The dampening factor should be a 10 times factor as a minimum. That is the preamps X 10 (or more) = the amps. Typically, I have not heard of people adding coupling caps on their own. There are also those that say that the use of coupling capacitor... 
tube pre amp with tube / SS /hybrid power amp ?
Having owned a couple of tubed power amps and many ss power amps as well as quite a few of both tubed and SS preamps, I generally prefer a tubed preamp with a SS power amp.The benefit of SS amps of tubed amps is partially an issue of convenience a... 
Cambridge 840c vs. Bryston BCD-1 vs. Ayre CX-7e
At just about you price range in the used market would be a Resolution Audio Opus 21 with GNSC mods (probably have to stretch your budget by about $300-400). This is an excellent player and should be considered certainly above several of these oth... 
Classe cdp202 versus Meridian G08
Neither, you want more resolution than either of these. In this price range I would suggest the Esoteric DV50S (used), SA 60 (used) or the Resolution Audio Opus 21 w/ GNSC. Where do you live? 
Meridian G08 versus Wadia 581se
Esoteric X-03/X-01, Resolution Audio Opus 21 with GNSC mods, Ayre and the Audio Research CD 3MKII and 7(a bit less resolution than the others though, so maybe not for you). Wadia would also be in this same category, but you seem to be seeking alte... 
Audio Arrow Prima Ref versus Pioneer DV-AX10 ??
The Audio Aero Prima CDP is a great player, but the caveat is that it performs its best with small scale recordings. This is small ensemble jazz, blues, female vocals. The soundstage and resolution gets congested and starts to fall appart with lar... 
Top 5 sounding cd player in the 1000-2000$ range
I would opt for the Raysonic, CEC, Naim, Audio Aero Prima (depending on what type of music you like) based on budget and buying new. I would avoid the Rega and I don't think the Cambridge pieces are all that good.I would be tempted to go used and ... 
Raysonic CD228
Paul, I disagree, his 168 will be better than ever once he starts using that new hair dryer for $230 that will demagnetize his disc collection! 
Krell HTS 7.1 Remote
check e-bay, these remotes aren't that difficult to find. They are small plastic wafer remotes.If you can't find one, I have a big heavy metal Krell remote from an Audio Video Standard, but I don't know if that would even work.I need to keep my HT... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
I own a Calypso with well upgraded tubes. I love this preamp, in my system it is a very good addition. However, if my budget were not a factor, I would have gone with the Ref 3.In my experience the Ref. 3 is more resolving and detailed over the Ca...