
Responses from ckoffend

DAC to add warmth and fullness to Linn Ikemi
Based on prior ownership and/or listening:#1: DCS used Delius $3K ish#2: Kora Hermes - tubed so you can play a bit with that, price used estimated at about $800-900 ish#3: CAL Audio Alpha - really an impressive DAC for the used money of about $500... 
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables
For the record, I did end up trying a non-digital pair of balanced cables and they worked great. Yes, I will end up replacing them with a digital pair of balanced cables, but wanted to confirm that everything would perform as reported with the dua... 
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables
I am running a DCS purcel to a Delius. The Purcel upsamples to 24/192 ks/S, but the only cabling method that is capable of delivering this highest upsampling is by using a pair of XLR (AES/ebu) cables, each delivering 96 rates per cable, combined ... 
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables
Kijanki, Thanks for clarifying this clearly for me. I checked other answers that you have submitted and you appear to have a very good understand of electrical signal processes. While I had planned on getting a pair of balanced digital cables, I h... 
Any high end Pre/Pro's with i-Link audio S400 ?
Sashua, I hear you on this topic. I have both Esoteric gear and DCS gear, but nothing that receives the firewire/I-link multi-channel signals. It would be nice to see a product that will accept an I-Link signal and output that signal as a multi-ch... 
Why no Room Tuning Questions?
You are right that a bad room can make a great system sound pretty poor. A great room will allow a system sound up to its potential.There are a lot of general living situations that support better acoustics that typcially are better accepted by ot... 
Help with Pre-Amps
Sarcher30 summed up things for you nicely and I would agree with the comment about carefully pursuing a passive preamp. They are great when done right, but limiting for future changes and require careful matching. Probably not the best idea for a ... 
Electrostat - M-L; Quad or Soundlab - reliable
What is your definition of reliable? Electrostatic speakers will require the panels to be replaced, much like tubes, but longer lasting. My opinion is (take ML for example) that the panels are very good for 5 years and typically get replaced in th... 
geniuses help- pre into pre--gonna blow up?
No, he needs to save his money for the Ref. 3, periods, commas, etc. . . are a luxury he can do without.You can do easily exactly what you are trying to accomplish where you are running both preamps (the MX 135 and the Ref. 3) into the same amplif... 
Wadia 581SE versus Esoteric UX-3Pi
A: I cannot afford to buy whatever I want - though I sure wish I could.B: I really like the Esoteric (others above commented that it is plain vs. the Wadia). Perhaps it is my active system (Krell amp/Wilson/Jeff Rowland pre) that does not produce ... 
SS quality pre-amp with HT bypass-suggestions?
The Calypso excels at (in comparison to the Capri) and based on rather expensive upgraded tubes (Mullard 10M NOS tubes):Better bass control, coverage and definitionBetter sound staging with larger scale music - Capri can collapse a little bit with... 
From Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 to ?
I have never felt the bass on the 5.1s to be loose. In fact, I had a friend over today who has the 7s and while he feel that the 7s have a bit more bass, that on the 5.1 is very well controlled and tight - he felt possibly tighter than with his 7s... 
From Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1 to ?
Gentlemen, thanks for the suggestions to sit pat and consider myself lucky that I have speakers that I actually love. Of course this is an option, but the purpose of the thread is to garner recommendations for other speakers to audition which I ma... 
Comparisons from these brands
Spaz, the better of the Wadias are not bright, but my experience has been that the mid to lower model units have a greater tendency in this direction. Wadia makes some great stuff, but if you are looking for used, I would stay away from the mid-li... 
Help -- need Idiot's Guide to music server system
If you are not interested in doing any of this wirelessly, it is really pretty easy. You may want an external hard drive. 500 GB = $120 with firewire/USB/Esota connection options. 1 Terabyte $225, same as above. Go to Best Buy or Circuit City or a...