
Responses from chazzbo

Speaker cables from same brand as interconnects?
I am always thinking that thereis no relation between chords and price.But I do believe that one can mix and match (you have different elements makling up different components right).But a rule of themb I have followed,not knopwing if it's valid,i... 
Which $7000 speakers to ask Santa?
Used Avantegarde Duo's.Think that the Parsifal is excellent choice.Audio Physic Virgo III's would save money I have allways dug there sound (though I had smaller ones).Might also check the new B&W 803D ($8K list-room to make a deal)which goes ... 
how good is Meridian 808 variable volume output?
KelseyHow much of a price difference is their in the Meridian players?What wires feed it to the what speakers.This ios probaly out of my range but wondering if perhaps the top end Sony units getting A+ ratings in Stereophile might get me some of t... 
26"-32" LCD HDTV Buying Angst--Toshiba? Sony? etc.
Why the angst?Small price difference there.I stioll like the look of regular glass TV's up to 36".I might get a 34" 16:9 XBR.But if I am going to compromise quality for thin I'd start off at the 42" Sony Bravia LCD.The LCD sets looked good a few y... 
Tube question
Assume that it's related to that only reason tubes are still made at all is that in former Soviet/Yugoslavian and Chinese they still rely on military equipment whereas West went Transistor long ago.We are a mnor side show.Kind of bummer that all t... 
Quad 2805 and room placement
Ask the man who owns one.Great response.My reading is that while you don'ty want to overpower them this is a speaker that will benefit from more current then many folks think.A 40 to 100 watt.Maybe and Arc 100 watt for about $3500 used is what I w... 
Burning In Preamp ???
Or you could just un hook the pre to amp.But does this unit have manufaturer suggesting burn in or (reliable) revier saying it needs it???If it's tube unit I certainly wouldn't waste the tubes doing it.Guess some pople invest in cable cookers and ... 
Yahoo transaction? Western Union? Or just scam
Go foward.Then I'd like to talk to you about some Arizona Real Estate and a very proffitable brige you can get into at the grounbd floor located in Brooklyn.I'll be waiting.Mr.Ponzy 
verdier Platine or Nottingham Analogue hyperspace
Interested in what Jaybo said myself beacuse I just am not sure the Hypersapce is the way for me to go.I am thinking of getting out of VPI Aries and into a multi arm deck but thought to equal what I have in sound qual;ity I would have to get Teres... 
Which Bryston?
SSTR's used are still really pricey.The 4B ST is what I'd buy for front pair (just got one for a buddy wo has very revealing Maggie 3.6's and he loves it).They had big leap foward with redesigned transformer I belive (don't quote me there though).... 
Which Albums do you use for reference Listening ?
Archie Shepp,Any oif his four beautifull ballad Lp's on Venus who use a 24 bit "Hyper Magnum" sound recording.CD's of course have more dynamic range but Venus has my vote for best contemporary recorders of jazz or anything.It proved to me that a g... 
Need Isolation Ideas for VPI Scout
Many items.Vibrapods cheap and their is a manufacturer of sorbothane footers (bBlue-Something) that I saw in other thread.Also just getting Sobothan sheet and cutting sqaures is cheap.Or just try a mouse pad.More cost would be BDR (points,cups,mot... 
Phono stage for Denon DL103R
Is thier anyplace here or on the asylum that gives a succint explanation of compliance issues?Tswhitsel gives excelent info but wondering if there is full driections on comliance issues anywhere.Be great if soimeone had one or it could be found on... 
Johnny Hartman with John Coltrane
TrasandoThe Classic Quartet had a groove that many folks myslef felt was the peak.Once Pharoah Sander entered in on Meditations things just got more and more out.You have to wonder what Coltrane was thinking that he who was a grerat innovator in t... 
Johnny Hartman with John Coltrane
Yes the classic of classic where the rich coffee Hartman met up with Tranes "Classic Quartet" who played more beatiffully and "in the pocket"(something which some crtics thought Coltarne could not do) than even their legendary "Ballds" LP.A define...