
Responses from chazzbo

As a llways asorry for not using an overlay spell checker.Need op figure it out since I am not a touch typist and look at keyboard and get lazy and dopn't look over posts.I did not mean a Stones "Liver" show but at that time Keith probaly could ha... 
Best nearfield monitor?
Really very impressed with whole Quad moving Coil line and the 11L and 12L are definetly worth a listen.I reccomend the 21l and 22L to my freinds who want the best mid fi who aren't going to enter our crazyt world.And must say the Ausio Physic Sap... 
Yeah that hazy air in some places with poor ventilation like the old Boston Garden makes it hard to rember the late 80's show (think hat some time around release of movie "Hunt For Red October" beacuise it was fall and everybody had "The Hunt For ... 
J&R salesman says turntables outsell CD playe 10:1
Amazing what some "salesweasels" will say just because they thin k it is what you want to hear so you either buy something from them or they at least plant seed of potential in future.Know I sold Krell,Mac,B&W,Adcom,etc for 6 years and one of ... 
Good tube pre amp for a mostly digital system
Surprised nobody mentioned Audible Illusion given it's sales and mpoularity as a loid glass pre.Depoends a lot on how much "bloom" you want.Some tube pre's dont' sound very "tubey" any m,ore.More and more solid state has attributes of tube gear )w... 
Most Effective Tweaks
Vibe isolation like cones or platforms.$1K plus power condtioners (cgeaper ones just are gloiified protection).Heavy stands even for florstanders.Note tha in 80's and 90's verybody who owend B&W's (and the 801 was best selling audiophile speak... 
List of small speakers for 6 watt T amps???
Much thanks.Think I saw a modded $150 T amp on ebay which might be better than standard Sonic Sonic Impact $139 box which is nice since Red Wine seems to have gone all oput with $1500 30 waat and $3K 70 monos.Probaly not same league as Clari-T tho... 
missed buying opportunities
recently a $3K SME 10 hear on 'Gon.BVut come on we all have multiple "Damn!What was I thinking when I hesitated."Think my one regret selling was getting rid of my Mesa baron and not ignorring the companies advice against the tri-tube mod.Should ha... 
Tripping Breakers
Thinkl Gmmueller and Bryanhood have fist line test and then as everybody say's swap the breaker.I'd do all soon since I have waited on some fixes and dallying has caused real catastrophe.Chazz 
Krell 400xi or Musical Fidelity A5 for ML Summit?
I owned the 300i and hear the new piece is better sounding and a better value.But really different sound.It's up to you.I think MF will be more fogiving and still have resolution .The Krell will have grip on bass that the MF can't touch but it is ... 
Tube amp for Silverline Sonata II
Why mono blocks?Short runs speaker cables runs?You have decent sensitivity but (like my 94db horn/hyrbrid Odeon Tosca's) it's not say a pair of Klipshchorns or those new Zu Cable speakers).You need 40 wpc minimum .Think there are some choices from... 
Gunk will not clean off LP ?
I know this getting into whole ritual but imbedded is suggestion.Does not sound like spores but if it is their is a product called Bugtusssel that is supposed to be best at removing mold spores.I would get a small bottle of LAST Power Cleaner.I us... 
Any diigital players out there with phase control?
Thanks gang I'll check them out.CheersChazzbo 
Sonics of tube modifications from Modwright
Wonder if dealer is just saying this beause he assumes that anything added is and artifact that is is uneeded.Like NR filter (I used to use cassettes w/o Dolby myself).But if you look at the parts used in Modwright or Parts Connection Mods the cos... 
iPod directly into amp
Popt for one of the Sontic T amps.Son of T IO think the $100 model.Your not going to get muhc volume at $100 or but there are rated 15 and have 3-5 usuable watts.Just don't remember how sensitive your speakers 93=4 db shopuld be able to work.Or ge...