
Responses from chazzbo

Mcintosh C220 balanced out
Interestigly they describe some units as dual balanced such as the MC 712 Pre which I owned or the MC300.A customer was upset he bought the MC300 just before the MC353 came out so I called Mac to tell me differences.They descibed the non-fuly baln... 
My NHT 2.5 Speakers Are Hungry
Tough price point.You have actually a pretty high current amp and contrary to what you have heard it not all watts.Some designs have more current delivery than others and HK recievers actually deliver on the order of mid fi like NAD,Adcom,Rotel,et... 
Do you Anti-Skate your Super Scoutmaster?
Interested as well in this question.Going top get out of my Aries (and unipivots like Graham) and it's lack of integral antiskate is one major reason.A well designed arm should have anti-skate for stylus and LP wear protection as well as sound.One... 
Teres Certus
Wonder how Teres 255 on up sounds versuis what was suppodedly their model the Scheur/Eurolab decks.Budget is tight but want to get multi arm (and not settlle ofr Nottinham Space or Clearaudio Solution though might have to).Don't mean to hijack the... 
PC for Jolida JD-9 Phono Stage
Kind of unbalanced in my view.I would consider a cheaper cable unless you aree planning an upgrade.That cost for a cable would go well with a PS Audio GCPHCoph Nia,CJ EV1 or a simlar new used exp[enditure of $1K-$1,5500.That much on a cable is clo... 
Buzz from front speakers...
Have you sawpped the speakers out to make sure that it's not a blown tweeter?Are these modles new or older (surrounds can cause noise if they have deteriorated).Forget about the wires as you'd notice if it were rusted or had major kink/short.Most ... 
Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?
What's a girlfreind?Chazz 
What are these "SUPERBIT" DVD's?
Sound good .Guess the ones I can find of them I will get as opposed to either regular DVD's or expensive Criterion Collection.Since I collect jazz wax I guess I understand why some folks will pay big bucks for first run of the Criterion films but ... 
'Table techs near Springfiled MA,Albany NY?
That terrific gang.I'll try to let folks know my experience when I swap arms (might toss the Grace and go Rega for the Thorens) and put some decent wires on it.Thanks again.Chazz 
Amps for Avantgarde
Tubes for sure.I have a pair of German Odeon Tosca's with and easy to drive 8 ohm 94db sensitivity a dn use a 40 watt push pull EL34 amp (like EL34's for midrange but KT88 amps like McIntosh 275 is great too).But you could easily in s mid sized ro... 
any suggestions to get best audio from computer???
Thanks fellers.Guess my issue which wasn't mentione dis the crappy wrrring in computers.Even the soundblaster surround card which you can dedicate a solt too has RCA's to plug your rig into but how good are they.Then what wrring path do they follo... 
B+W 800D vs 801D
I always thought the value speaker in the line up was the 803.Now the new D is $3K more but goes as low as the original 802N.That and the inclusion of two high end subs like maybe the Velodyne DD18's (though many would find one would do the trick.... 
need new rack with isolation in mind
How much CAN you spend?To me nothing beats heavy iron and for speaker stands and racks the Sound Anchors are excellent.maybe not as pretty as Billy Bags but not as expensive.Others I won' mention are as expensive and just don't offer the base you ... 
"Budget" preamp choices.
haven't used Placette but passives lack dynamics.CJ (older stuff) is noisy.Adcom is OK but not quite up to your Pass piece.Others up there can't say I have experience with them to offer 2 Cents.I see that there is a compact digital Bel Canto up fo... 
Question for VPI owners...VTA adjustments
My question is how do you know weight of these LP's????Personally I think you are trying to be too precise and it's is a bit retentive with so fine an adjsutment for each LP..On my 12.5 I just eye it out and go by it's appearnce giving the older t...