
Responses from chazzbo

Best "plasma style" main speakers
Morel makes and attrative wall mount set up.Cosidering many speaker manufacturers use their drivers think thier worth a check.Also the Starcraft(?) in wall speakers with standard gortex drivers and front mounted (co-axial line I guess is what you'... 
B&W Nautilus 802D, Wilson Sophia 2, or others?
Tvad mention some good ones but Sophia's (I read mind you) maybe best value Wilso ever offered.Silverlines good for triode tubes.I'd just ad to list Revel.Very close to price point and very popular among HT/Music buyers (have heard many say it is ... 
REL or Martin Logan?
Thanks for detailed resposes.I think REL wins out here.Now need to hear them and if I can find Magellan by TBI Has one driver in unique short square (like little coffee table) and what makes sense is you can get them passive and hok both up to one... 
Review: Paul Speltz Anti Cables 8' speaker cable Speaker cable
Didn't mention price but assume it's on web.Nice to hear your got upgrade for cheap.There are some folks spending big money on chords where Blekin or a cable from Bluejeans or other cheapie would work fine.Know that PC chords for some amps make bi... 
Using B&W 802n's as Rears w/B&W 800n's as Mains???
Get 804's for years (not larger footprint) and get good Velodyne,Martin Logan (very fast-I like them ,Vandersteen'sREL,more than large slow subs-all use multipil faster drivers) without going nuts because of how much rear low level content.You's s... 
B & W 603 S3 $1,000 vs. Spendor 5Se $2,000
On other hand if you have itch why not just look around.If you like Krell han you can run just about anything that will foit in romm.I like German speaker like Audio Physic and thinkl they are a good value.But I sold Krell and B&W so know and ... 
The best feature I ever had
Jamscience is the one that got it though it did not have ramp down featur.Just nice low level and in morning BAM!But I think there must have been those that had ramp down feature and I can't belive either diminsiing as you go to sleep or fixed to ... 
What is "polite" sound?
IT say's thank you when you turn it off durring a thunderstorm.chazzbo 
PC audio is it the best next thing????
What is a list of D/A converters with USB inputs?The drawback I find with my computer supplanting DAC is ocassionaly I want to use my computers drive(s)while litening but also becuase fan noise is so bloody loud.I too think somebody who has done a... 
PC audio is it the best next thing????
With drop in HD's full Redbook should be cost effecive.I agree with not going down in resolution bu as a taping format (since industry has thuis far iognored tapers after Casstette.DAT because of maitenace cost is pro only).CD-R/DVD-R will form dr... 
How to get 100 accurate azimuth?
Find another Nakamichi 1000 Turntable (just sold for $15K and has auto centering,and evey other tweak usefull or not) that maybe the best DD table ever.or get one of Their high end tape decks.I also was wondering if you meant TT or tape?!?Chazz 
Solid Core Speaker Cable Recommendations
Solid speaker wire value for a long time would be Kimber 8TC.Enough bass for the Maggie and not nuts in price.Chazz 
Best "RedBook" player out there
Overall stock value if you are into SACD as well (have enough of them alklready) would be top end Sony player which has lot's of folks modifying it.Think value buzz lately has been about Raysonic but coudn't say.For ultimate I'd say either the top... 
comfused about ripping?
P.S. again sorry for not running spell check.Know it's annoying as my typing sucks but I always am impatient and forget!Sorry!Really try to be more brief and clean them up.Chazzbo 
comfused about ripping?
As I p[ut ion above DAC I became interested in it myself only or using digital to sore CD;'s because I know that CD-R's/DVD-R's have shelf life and for archving using my computer opnly made sense if sound didn't suck (like MD).Apple Lossless is pr...