
Responses from chazzbo

What to get freinds into on the cheap?
Good sounding cheap goods is the HK 3380 reciever.$350.They have a 100 watt as well for $450.Nice rounded tone for a reciever of this price adequate tuner (great if they can add $100 Fanfare antenna on thier house as high as possible either on eve... 
Best arm for quick swapping cartidges? Mid price?
TobiasAfter the VPI want to try something other than Unipivot.Plus sems a litle bit too much.Like the list under $1K. 
Best super teeters to add to pair of horn speakers
Sorry my w seemed to get stuck on keyboard.Don't want to change this from family freindly oreinted forment.Ahem.Have seen that some companies like my Odeon German horns are supposed to have it as option (S model offered by Savant Audio) but had co... 
Is it worth upgrading B&W DM303 to B&W CM2?
The 303 had a bit more bass than the 302 it replaced but it was not as lively or bright as 302 (which I liked you may have prefeered tthe 303.I think they should have kept the 302 around for a lttle while.The CM2 has stiffer cabinet and is beter i... 
Mods in Tube players: list in order
Have had same argument with freidn who is amzed that Music Fidelity's best seller is a tueb bufer.Tube should in his mind (and I agree) used in cicut design not adding "artifacts" which is what you do essentially asdding upper harmonic distortion ... 
Grado Sonata a good fit?
Older table/arm so quation might be compliance of arm.Could call Bes at Muisc Direct or Needle doctor and think John Grado will give you staight skinny over phone.As far as sound I have used one on VPI and Linn and it's a fine performer for the pr... 
Anyone running Quad 22L speakers?
I heard tthem and thought like one reviewer said tough to beat in under $3K price range.Andrewdoan don't reccomend this to most folks because think that tubes should only be used in integral way (i.e as volatge reulation in pre-not as add on to CD... 
FM Antenna Godar vs. Magnum Dynalab
hacve the option for outdoor placement on eves (or even in a attic) the whip antenna made by Fanfare (about yeard tall) for about $100 kicks ass on ANY possible indorr set up.Used to work for shop where we used them and they were awesome.Indoors I... 
tube int amp rec
All three re exctly list I woiuld make and yes if you want to ever push it 50 watts could be a problem.At 50 wats you would want a full tube do distortion was 2nd order and not nasty.Unison SE is 140 watts.And when you want you could have Parts Co... 
B&W 804s vs. Von Schweikert VR4jr
I can't see anything major that could have been done to S series to justify price based on improved performance.IO sold B&W for 6 years and left just before the S and D series came out.if you have the room just go out and get a pir of 803N's w... 
Acoustic Foam Panels - Blu Tack ???
Havew used blu tack many times but thin about how pourous foam is.You'll never gewt it to work alone.Try Scotch brand hooks that have and adhesive that is supposed to not damage paint.Uses compound and tension of same to hjold.You'd need a few.Me ... 
What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000
Cripes what a question.Best and in ultimate sonics or best VALUE?Assuming you mean former and I would go listen to B&W 803 @$8K with incredidible new Diamond tweeter and bass that equals former 802N or hear 802D.Read reviews.Revels(maybe buy u... 
Sony SCD C333ES / question about internal DAC?
Have one and qauestion makes me wonder why you are asking.Thinking you could do a drop in chip upgrade?Was suppose to have p[rety good red book to begin with but now I notice nobody wants to upgrade it (when they will do upgades on other models fr... 
Meridian 568.2 vs 861 V.2 which better for 2 ch?
Am interested in same so hithing a ride" on post to see.While installing B&W's for a while (can't think of any other choice in our shop this guy would have gone for) got to hear it in 3 channel mode.Was fantastic.Not everybody knows this but w... 
How to horizontally bi-amp Maggies
Thanks for help.I am late in following up your answeres thinking I could get chance to call magie again and ask why they said active unit was required (and if so why did they stop selling the litle XL1 (?) unit that goes for $75-150 used as oppose...