
Responses from chazzbo

Whose got best class D at this point?
Great to see this post really had some legs.Still haven't made choice but seems like PS,Bel canto and from what i read hear Channel Island might be good switch for me.ut if I saty with high sensitivity I think that what I read from 6moons about th... 
Does the"quality" of jumpers affect the sound?
A pair of used or new Kimber jumpers wouldn't break bank.Clean them and especially your RCA's with Carig detoxit and if really into getting best connection get the silver contact paste from Mapplesahde (cheaper than Walker).I read a Fremmer articl... 
Turntable with isolation base application VPI, ??
Vallid points on a 10?Why not spend $300-$400 a wall rack or Gngnko?I'd sell Table to someone without a table and the Brightstar here on Auydiogon and get a basic Scout.My buddy recently got a phono ana cart for his 19but analogue guru at Muisc Di... 
Conrad Johnson PV-9a VS PV-11
Lot's of bloom and wrmth but still from era wehn CJ had lot's of noise as penalty.ZASince I woned lower end pre's (PV10) and MV50 amo I an anzed a how qiet they got durring 90's.If you can pony up for latter model I;d o for them.Righ now I need a ... 
What's your profession? Age?
Am amazed that there aren't more folks from industry.I was in retail for hi-end between 1995-2001 and thinking of getting back into it as consultant because over crowd can barely set up VCR (now DVD-R) with lowing cost of computers,internet radio,... 
Whose got best class D at this point?
Think Vic is ight.Even vnerable tube outfit like Carry has a chip amp out now.Chazz 
Quad 988's-how big a room and how far off walls???
NwbeeThanksI think your right that my problem might be the distance required from rear wall.Same for mu buddies di-pole Maggie 3.6 where he only has a ft. and half from rear wall.But hopefull I can find another apt which will afford me rectabgular... 
EAR Acute
The LP player looks like art and the new Pre with UV meters man i wish I had the dough.Just have my moddest little 834 Intergrated.But Mr.Tim makes some great stuff.didn't know he had a digital product out.But prices are high I agree.I wonder when... 
Big Bass Drum Jazz
I am into everything jazz except totally atonal/out and really mainstream fusion but an excepion is the French contigent of Gong led by drummer Pierre Moerlin as opposed to he hippy David Allen/Steve Hillage led groups (hsarinbg some mebers otherw... 
Whose got best class D at this point?
Thanks guysFirst Tracer thanks for the shoot out tip.Tgrisham-I know Kal Rubinson (Stereophile reviewer Krl or Kr4 hear at 'Gon) uses the 300 for one of his rigs and ref 1000's for his HT's.Me think that the Bel Canto top pre is cool with adjustab... 
What phono preamps are balanced
What dop you wan to spend?And you can get XLR terminated phono cables run into balanced Phono (if it has in's many like like the PS GCPH are out only so balanced cicutry isn't thier just ability to run long distance to amp.The thing that you don't... 
Best Concert Film
yes the usual suspects from "Woodstock","Moterey Pop",and "The Last Waltz" are mnetioend but I was blown aweay at seeing the Stax concert at LA Colluseum.Meaning to get that on DVD.Alsoi I'd add "Jazz On a Summers day","Buena Vista Social Club",Ca... 
What I was reffering to was the 4 CD Filmore '71 show on Arista.But Fishwater is right.Look at the more than 30 Discks Picks now out and how heavly documented the year 1977 was.A true rennaissance for them.Man now that I see what's out and how man... 
How much better is the Scoutmaster vs. Scout?
Worth it but if you agree with chadlinz think of the many TNT MK.V synathtic/aluminum platters wich are heavier then the stuff that comes on all the VPi's (including HR-X) and alomost everybody I've spoken to say's they prefer to new one.but so ma... 
High eff speakers? Sonata III, Super III, OR ???
I won what I consider the poor mans Avantegarde the $6500German Odeon Tosca which is horn load (17 or so maple bowle with dome cap) and has a 7" moving coil (tradiotnal) bass driver.Though they make speakers that are full horn for up to $30K this ...