
Responses from chazzbo

Are the Speltz Autoformers right for Maggies?
Thanks guys.BTW Neal what replaced your Maggies.There actually not mine but a buddies and he is one of those Maggie or Quad owners who never leave or always return to thier faveorite brand and ther midrange capabilities.But originally he had MG II... 
Bryston or Outlaw
Brsyton is is the one to go with hands down.If you had HT in mind it would cost to go all Bryston but difference in amps timbre,resultion,all paramters would leave outlaw in dust.Outlaw is excellent for a one brand HT set up but Audio Brsyton is a... 
Ditto.No harsh chemicals thought.Use ivory liquid soap for minimum of additives.Chazz 
VPI ScoutMaster or Project RM10
RM10 placed itself out of it's niche.OK up till 9 but there was no reason to build "showpiece $2500 deck" when others like VPI,Acoustic Sound Final Tool,and others were trying to make bread and butter (i.e. way to keep company going) poroducts tha... 
integrated + sub
NHew Bryston 100SST is a honey with 100 watts not 60 and can addd D to A bord and phno board but is pricey.You will find many at various price points with one output and some with two mif you ever want to biamp hoirzoantally.Rogue m,akes good all ... 
In the market for a plasma.........suggestions?
It maybe that Sony tries to keep it's products out there but go to shop which has most brands.Settings will be different and you have to take that into account but I am amzed at what lower end Hitachi and Samsung can do.Just find Sony prices are p... 
effect of tubes in cd players
Id you send out say Denon or Sony to get modded you can have some fun tube rolling but when it comes down to it having tubes as a buffer which introduces lower order harmonic distortion (the kind we like as opposed top upper harmonic distortion wh... 
Best Conrad Johnson pre tube?
J ARt cost way more than current 17LS but you will gte much less noise (always the knock on CJ) but 17LS is fantsastic sounding and one just got put up here.Older gear be it pre,power or whatever had more bloom,euphonics etc but noise wasn't worth... 
Plinius SA-102 for Magnepan 3.6
But with maggies more current the better.Maybe slightly less harmonics would be Brytston that in 4B ST (or better yet 7B monos at 500 wpc) you get close to a bech of 300 watts (rated at 250).SST series is better but not money del that a 10 year ol... 
floor stander suggestions
Totem is good.Audio physic if you want long wall dipsersion.Everybody's going nuts ove Zenn Cable Zu's (for $2800 you get in home 30 day0.Find Gallo dealer to make own assesement of 3.1's.If Hyperion delaer around go hear thier watt Puppy knock of... 
Anybody compared Wally's PS GCPH mod to stock?
GastwaKnow you ust dig your GCA 250 (and probably would like Bel Canto and Nuforce too) so I understand the PS GCPH but not while being hip to Aesthetix.For Not sure if you bought Calypso new or used.But if you sold Calypso and modded phono you co... 
How does one open an Adcom 750 preamp?
Had one years ago and it's Torx or hex keys on sides ,aybe nack where cover wrapsaround..But if you can't open why do so?High volatge you might damage something on board.Be carefull and use one handed rule (don't us second hand on ,near,or in anyw... 
Teres vs VPI, SME, Origin Live, etc.
Anbody else beside C123666 using Scheur?Look like they are better than Clearaudio Solution or Nottoingham SpacdeckzMany opf us just cant swing these yummy looking $8K combos.I am suprised that somebody mentioned that the teres would war or crack a... 
Licensed Down-loadable Movies
Mon GrandebirdmanIt's just around the corner.If you look up some of the AV online mags like audiovideoreolution online you might get a company and a date they start streaming.Saw something about it on one of the cable news chanells where they ment... 
FM Antenna Godar vs. Magnum Dynalab
Fanfare needs to be mounted on eves of house or as high as you can get to work well.Can't see how Goddar mentions that it's pole length can work better than fanfare which is much taller.Mounted low in your house with rabbit ears?Even with active b...