
Responses from chazzbo

Allison 3's, anyone?
Had the 12" Cubes.Sounded great INITIALLY but only so so as time went on.Remember I saw them have really flat graph in Consumer Reports (like the Bible in my families house) but that was first lesson that specs don't tell everything.Have to say th... 
Newer Bel Canto S300 versus Evo series????????
KalBeen thinking about your not being enamored with the Gallo Ref 3.It's gotten quite a few awards so wondering why you felt it was lacking.Reviews can't be be based on hs personality as I hear is a prick.Guess he thinks with his unique genius the... 
Poll - Active vs. Passive preamp
Herman has given some feedback to think about.But think Ozzy make a reasonable argument for it being combination specific set-up that's needed. for the amount of "purity" in passive mode with good unit has't' been worth the trade off in lack of ba... 
HIGH output MC verses High MC???
Tink below $2K it's what sounds better and above $2K you don't have that many MM's.There may be many fine inexpensive MC carts (the Denon DL1003 comes to mind) but folks are under impression that MC must sound better than MM.For some folks it is w... 
VPI SDS Whys and Hows?
Mark sound like you have really nice balanced system,.Have a buddy who also has the PY7.It would be the one thing I'd swap out 9Rega 300/600?Origin Live 250?Eminent Tech?VPI 10 or 10.5 Memorial).You have excellent phono stage and cart and I have a... 
Squeeze Box Love'n'hate
So manu weakpoints I am all ears before I buy.Wish thee wasn't such a price diff between SB3 and Transporter (which is a sexy looking devil and might be worth two $1K or one $2K DAC in sound quality.But have sneaking suspicion I am going to have t... 
Teres, redpoint or galibier turntable
The multi arm tables mentioned above are great.But consider ultimate expense of two or three seperate arms versus VPI which has quick change of and arm tube for a different cartridge (I use LO MC and higher output MM mono).I know one guy who did b... 
Dust...It's Killing Me
Your wife might approve of enclosed Salamander Synergy racks.Have perforated mesh doors so unless you have super hot SS or tubes you can use it enclosed or leave back off as was mentioned.CheersChazz 
VPI SDS Whys and Hows?
Not sure but you would get better sound with SAMA.Try giving Sheila a call at VPI and if she does not know Harry or tech (know Mike is great resource) and ask.You could go stock or just call Blue Jeans or cheap supplier.Don't think PC makes any di... 
Why does this old tube gear sound so good?
Everybody's on the mark hear but wonder what you'd think of the newer tube gear say newer mac tube stuff?Would it have advantages in lack of distortion yet still have that "good" upper harmonic distortion which is essentially what we like about tu... 
Quad 2905 amp matching
Want to follow this only because I know that while plannars like Maggies or electrostatics going to very low oh loads like Martin Logans can require mega amps amps I thought the Quad could be damaged by too much power.Isn't the Quad amp a 40 job?C... 
Are the TNT6,Scout etc platters same diameter as 5
Thanks Yagbol.It's just that $2K for A PLATTER is a tough swallow.ThanksChazz 
DAC questions?
It's tough.How much do want to spend for how much time?With new format like 25 Gig Disc Blu Ray (should bet out HD DVD but we'll see) spending big buck on D/A is crap shoot.On oher hand you probably have enough Red Book (CD) discs that getting one... 
B&W Nautilus 802D, Wilson Sophia 2, or others?
Wonder if folks looked at price,figured out total outlay and considered the 803D's.When I sold B&W's when they had Mtrix thought most bang for buck was 802 Matrix III.But with the Nautilus series it was the 803N.80's (like older 803's) just to... 
Best Dead Shows on DVD?????????
Thanks/I'll check 'em out.They always kind of make me a little melancholic though.Miss the trip,where we gonna crash,Shakedown Street and a few veggie Burritos (20% of which were great and the others "well we were hear for music not cuisine right?...