
Responses from chayro

Getting Personal Property Insurance for your rig.
Renters Insurance covers personal property, but your company may not write policies to that limit.  Mine is about 50K, also through Allstate.  You will have to find an agent that can write a renter's policy that high.   
Motorman's New Scam Of The Week - the miraculous Furutech LP Demagnetizer
Thank you Moto Man.  What were the results of your listening tests?  
Stylus cleaner
Onzow stylus cleaner to get the dust glob off, followed Audiotop Stylus. 
Sonus Faber Guarneri - will any aiddtional isolation be beneficial?
As your speakers are new, I would listen for a few months without changing anything. After that, IMO, there is absolutely no way to predict what effect  changing the footers will have without trying it. There are too many variables to be able to s... 
EAR Acute Classic - has anyone heard or tried it
How has DAC technology changed "drastically" over the past few years?  It looks pretty much the same to me.   
EAR Acute Classic - has anyone heard or tried it
As long as we're all guessing here, I would say that if you weren't satisfied with the Acute 3, I would pass on this as well if you can't audition.  Given the price point, I would be very surprised if this were a significant improvement over the 3.   
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
I think the theory of relative motion is simple to understand.  You don't feel like you're moving in a jet flying at 500 mph because you're both moving together at the same rate, so the motion sort of cancels itself out.  Something like that.   
Has anyone found Audio Nirvana?
I think it's more a state of mind than a state of equipment. Someone could have an exotic system and go through all the various adjustments, cables, all that stuff, but just be listening to equipment.  Then they downgrade to a good pair of standmo... 
Next step up speakers in totem acoustic line from the totem forest?
I think the Forests are great speakers and capable of revealing upgrades elsewhere in the chain. Personally, before upgrading, I would consider a better phono cartridge, assuming you still have the Ortofon Bronze listed in your system. Try a Lyra ... 
New Technics 1200
Hard to tell from looks, but that tonearm looks about the same as the old ones.  Not a terrible tonearm, but I don't think I would use anything more expensive than a Denon 103 in it.  I guess if VPI can ask 20K for its DD, Technics can ask 4.   
Advice on Phono Cartridge
Not to come off a snob, but a $300 turntable isn't really going to sound "impressive" as you say, so maybe you're just expecting too much.  I have owned the Music Hall MMF5 and found it to be quite excellent for the money, but it still is quite a ... 
Teddy Pardo
As an ex-Naim owner, I can tell you that the upgraded power supplies are huge upgrades over the built-in supplies.  Far beyond what one would think prior to experiencing them first hand.   
Simple advice you should have, but didn't follow that made a big difference.
Buy low, sell high.  
Sonus Faber Finish Maintenace
I would just use a clean Swiffer duster for regular dust-removal maintenance.  The finish is likely a polyurethane, which means it's pretty tough.  I would just use a microfiber cloth with a spritz of auto detail spray, like the ones offered by Gr... 
And now, Introducing....
I've seen a lot of next big things come and go.