
Responses from chayro

Good tube preamp with Sony 5400
So Mcpherson - did the preamp cure your system issues? 
Good tube preamp with Sony 5400
I would dump the Sony and go with the Doge6 CD player. CDs sound better on the D6 than SACDs on the Sony. 
Who knows, it may be your last chance to be insulted by Andy Singer. That's worth a couple of subway tokens. 
How long it takes to break in Running Spring Haley
I would take it out of the system for a few weeks and then reinsert it to let you hear everything with fresh ears. Whether or not a power conditioner will improve your system is very dependant on the quality of your incoming power and your compone... 
cables for Harbeth shl5
99.999% of all cables are pure bs, but these are not. OK, good enough for me. 6 guys can't be wrong. Where can these be purchased? 
New cartridge for MMF 5
I used to own an MMF5 with a Goldring MM and did not find it harsh. If you are finding it VERY bad, my guess is the problem is somewhere else, like playing rock music too loudly, meaning beyond the system's ability to handle it. But if the CD soun... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
I don't think the posts are negative, as you put it. The device may well sound fabulous. Frankly, I think most systems could benefit from some subtle eq and phase manipulation, but audiophiles are uniformly against such things on principle. Except... 
Best speaker in the $5-10K range. Details below.
My experience has been that, unless you have a acoustically-designed room, speaker choice may well be a trial and error process to see what speaker clicks with the acoustics of your room. I've been using the Opera monitors for a few years now. I'v... 
Street musicians
Was that Hillary Hahn by any chance? 
Street musicians
Call me crazy, but I don't know what else to call someone who puts down a hat and hopes someone puts money in it. Does everyone do that? Not where I live. Look - I know that they're good people just trying to make some money. That's ok, but how do... 
Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?
Haven't heard it, but in my past life as musician, I have heard many devices that can make a piece of reproduced music nicer to listen to - Aphex Aural Exciter for example, although that device is very old by now and I'm sure there are plenty of n... 
Street musicians
I didn't read every post here, but as an ex-professional musician, I would never perform in the street. It reduces muscians to the level of beggars. To those who feel they want to, bless them all, but they should realize the ramifications of what ... 
Frustrated with the sound of my system
Just to add an example of how hard to figure this stuff out without hands-on help from an expert, I was once dissatisifed with my system for what I was positive would be cured by a more powerful or "better" amplifier until it was proven to me that... 
DAC with volume control + Integrated Amp = bad?
First - I would be less concerned with the chip than the overall sound. There is a lot more to a DAC than the chip. That aside, I would not be concerned about running a dac with a volume control into an integrated. Using the DAC at a higher volume... 
Frustrated with the sound of my system
You need to hook up with someone who knows a lot about audio to help walk you through this. A person who knows your sonic goals and can help you reach them. I know this may sound vague or simplistic, but until you find this person, you will wander...