
Responses from chayro

Is Bryson BDA-1 still up to date.
If you are basically happy with the sound, I would try some cheap tweaks before switching. In my experience, placing components on cones or other hard footers tend to lean out the sound slightly, which may be what you are looking for. Cleaning up ... 
Audiophile Truth 26
Anything we haven't bought yet OR anything we can't afford. 
Cleaning your steam cleaner
Treat it like a coffee maker - Lime scale builds up, especially if you use tap water. I agree with the vinegar recipe above. A little bleach solution also, if you see any evidence of black mold like the kind you might see in humidifiers. Yecch. 
Sometimes Less is More?
I don't think less is more - a speaker that is a good match for the room is more. It's difficult to find and not always the one you think it will be. Especially in difficult rooms. I'm glad you were able to find a good match. 
best cd player to get??
Music Direct is blowing out the older model Rega Apollo for $700 with free shipping. The new Apollo is $1100. Considering your budget, I'm not sure you will really get any more performance until you reach the $3K range. Also, remember you're getti... 
Anyone have honest opinion of Jolida amps?
Sloane27 said:@Samzx12: I think that's the most naive' thing I've read on agon, "you get what you pay for".I would be interested in hearing about the cheaper products you listened to that bested products that were considerably more expensive. 
Replacement for RA Opus 21 CDP
I highly recommend the new Ear Acute. I know it has at least one digital input, but you can check this out. The older Acute is also great, but no digital inputs. OTOH, they can be picked up in the 3K range used, making them a great buy. 
Can Harbeths Perform Well In Nearfield Listening?
Harbeth's sound very good from a few feet away, but 10 x 10? That's not a room, it's a jail cell. I suggest your friend look into a good set of headphones. It is possible to get good sound in a small room, but very few are willing to accept the co... 
Metrum Octave description
This is your second post on the DAC chips in the MO DAC. The chip is one part of what goes into the dac and one part only. If it sounds good, listen to it and stop lying awake at night worrying about what the chip is. 
Rega P3-24 or VPI Scoutmaster
If you're starting out, I would go with the Rega. It's plug and play for the most part. The VPI arm can be tricky to set up. Of course, if you're buying new from a local dealer, they will set it up for you, so it's not an issue. Remember, no matte... 
Replacement for PS Audio Quintet
Unfortunately, I know of nothing "reasonably priced" that doesn't degrade the sound. If you can swing it, the Audience AR6 power conditioners are fantastic, IMO, and the selling prices are very low for the level of improvement I think you will gai... 
Wadia not correct speed???
When you say "flow" do you mean pitch? Problem is, you never know whether your source material was mastered at pitch-accurate speed. Try comparing the same CD on the Wadia and another CD player to see if they play at the same pitch. 
What makes a tuntable sounds warmer?
Replacing a source component can be tricky. Remember that you tweak your system to get it sounding right with one source and then when you change the source, you might have to re-evaluate. You might have to move the speakers out or raise them up a... 
The Emperor DAC has no Clothes
If spending a lot on hifi seems stupid, you would be stupid if you spent the money. But there are those who would rather have a 10K dac than a 10K... come to think of it, what can you buy for $10K? A nice vacation? An eight-year old Honda Accord? ... 
Best Sounding CD / SACD player under 15K
Ditto on the Naim 555. Absolutely superb Redbook and Naim has an excellent rep for customer service. There is one up now for $10K. (No relation to the seller, of course). The only thing is - it is a top-loader and has a large separate power supply...