
Responses from chayro

Digital vs Analog - A supposition...
What you're saying might be true for some, but I would disagree. Good analog setups are free of what you call the "well documented" defects, just as good digital is free from much of what analog lovers dislike about digital. I was raised on analog... 
Is a hearing aid the best possible tweak for 50+
Costco gives a free hearing check and sells you a $3K hearing aid. They're not as dumb as they look. BTW, the hearing aid will sound better with an upgraded power cord and teflon caps. 
3 footers...which one?
I would use the Herbies Gliders, as they make it easy to move the speaker around to set the correct distance and toe-in. Once you have that dialed in, you might want to try a different interface to achieve a different sound, but I would start with... 
Need Advise for open sounding monitors
Totem Mani-2. They will work well with your 350/wpc and give you the bass response you're used to. I don't think there's any way you can go from 15" woofers to a small monitor and be satisfied, but the Mani's will likely fill the bill for you. Mak... 
Naim CDX - should I consider
Are you talking about a CDX or CDX2? The CDX2 is an excellent player, far beyond the CD5i, especially with the optional power supply. That aside, I suggest you direct your Naim questions to the Naim Forum, as they are much more familar with the eq... 
AYON CD-1s CD Problematic Tracking Issue
If it makes you feel any better, my Ear won't play copies, and a few SACD hybrids, but has never failed to play a standard CD. If you are having an issue with the Ayon, I would contact USA Tube Audio. In my experience, they are very helpful and se... 
Xindak SACD died
Why don't you try Parts Conexion (or however you spell it) - they seem to have a lot of experience with Chinese audio products. 
Inexpensive Transport
The Little Dot transport is small. It looks pretty cool as well. They sell them on Ebay. 
Educate me please
Good question, I also had to replace the transport in a 5K unit while my $189 Oppo plays on without a glitch. Fortunately, in many players, replacing the entire transport is pretty cheap and easy. I did it myself and I'm no tech. 
Violin/Cello Clasical Music
Yo Yo Ma "Solo" is excellent. Single-layer SACD, but one of the few (in my experience) that actually show the benefits of high-rez. In-the-room presence. 
What else sounds like Kubala Sosna?
I always get a kick out of one of K/S's dealers who used to (or still does) advertise "Kubala Sosna speaker cables turn 10K speakers into 20K speakers". Except that the wires cost $10K!. 
Naim Dac or power supply?
No, the upgraded power supply does not bring a "bit" more smoothness. It is a night and day difference. If you can't listen for yourself, there is nothing else I can tell you. If you don't want to spend the money, then talk yourself out of it by t... 
Naim Dac or power supply?
All I can tell you is - yes, the PS upgrade is worth it. I had the advantage of a dealer demo and it was certainly worth it to me. Of course, if you're buying anything used without a demo, there is always the element of faith. Therein lies the pro... 
Naim Dac or power supply?
I have not heard the DAC, but the XPS2 absolutely transforms the CDX2 into another player. All of the musical textures are richer and more complete, with significantly more bass weight. If you like the CDX2 now, you will love the upgrade. No subst... 
Looking for a great value integrated
The Bada DC-225 (I think) from Pacific Valve is excellent. I had the previous version while I was waiting for a very expensive amplifier and the Bada just knocked me out for the price. The older version was like $700, but the new one is supposedly...