
Responses from cdc

Need your opinion on NADC320 BEE, please
Try Rotel. EVen What hifi who raves about NAD 320BEEE admitted Rotel RA-02 is better. This is the Euro version and only costs $50-75 more than NAD.If you don't need remote try the D.A.C.T. audio attenuator reviewed at and get... 
Speaker recommendation - 3K budget
Why not Nautilus 804's. I wouldn't go bigger in your 11 x 12 room.Aerial Acoustics are nice without quite the resolution of Nautilus series.Harbeths are another choice but hard to find. Again, not quite as detailed as Nautilus from what I've read. 
Audio CD-R's versus regular CD-R's?
It's not illegal to make analog copies, only digital. And making digital copies is a felony? Wow, sort of like hurting someone's dog is a felony while attacking the owner is a misdemeanor. Or so I've heard. 
What's under YOUR CD player?
How about string suspension for $190:string suspension 
Time coherence - how important and what speakers?
Roy, that's okay to dominate the thread, I think we are all learning a lot. At least I am. One note though. Thiel speakers uses metal drivers and are first order (time coherent?).Would a single driver be better still than 1st order crossover? I've... 
Integrated amp & player for B&W 804, pls
Try the Musical Fidelity A300 150 wpc int. Antony Michaelson is into classical and his amps sound like that. Soundstage did a review on N804 / M-F A300 and called it a symbiotic match or something. Find on A-gon for around $1k. 
Time coherence - how important and what speakers?
Revel literature is interesting:"The crossover networks . . . maintain a 24db per octave, 4th order acoustic response . . . the steep filter slopes ensure good acoustical behavior in the crossover regions, with a minimum of acoustical interference... 
Survey: B&W
Looking at B&W distortion specs:DM601s3 2nd and 3rd order harmonics:<1% 88 - 20kHz (90 dB spl, 1m)Nautilus 804 2nd and 3rd order harmonics:<1% 70 - 20kHz (90 dB, 1m)At ~1/10 the cost of N804, the 601s3 is a fantastic value looking at spe... 
High efficiency speakers vs Low, pros and cons
I talked to a horn speaker mfgr. He told me his speaker contributed at least 80% of the sound because amps sound virtually identical at the 1 watt used to run the high efficiency horns. Meaning, the lower power, the less effect amp qualities can h... 
any new Quad 11/12L owners?
Glad you like them. They are very dynamic and clear. WhatHiFi reviewed an all Quad system and noted that Quad could be bright depending on the recording. Just a caution. 
A music system to operate to....
I like the Aiwa with white bass driver sold at Target for $150-$170. Has a 3 cd changer, tuner, sounds really good but doesn't play really loud. 
$2000 CDP for Rock Music????
Meridian 508.20 or 24? As mentioned,Cal also reviewed well for rock music by Stereophile. They may be out of business now. 
Integrated for B&W 604 S3 in the 1000 to 2000 rang
Rotel is distibuted by B&W and also with rock music. 
Rat Shack SPL meter: Analog or Digital?
Rives, is that why your calibration is different than the one at Audio Asylum?A-A calibration 
Mozarts boomy-help
Didn't these have the drivers hooked up out of phase. Maybe switching phase of drivers would help.