
Responses from cdc

How could High End audio be improved?
A reliable way to know what the heck is going on.ORWalmart starts selling it.Many people aren't going to bother. 
Almost had her...
How about a turntable for her car? 
What's under YOUR CD player?
Caterham1700, is that aroma therapy you're talking about? 
Small floorstander recommendations
2nd the ATC even though they are standmount.I saw an ad at Toys in the Attic Epos M15 for $799 or so. Epos or Spendors are best on your list IMHO for accurate but musical sound. Bachs are pretty good after that. 
Help Save Klipcsh from B & O
Sugden A21 amp and keep the Cornwalls??? 
any personal experience with bybee filters?
Dealer who sells Walker HDL's said Bybee's round highs and ever so slightly take "air" out of music. Big surprise but could try Walker as well. 
How much to spend to beat $1200 10yr old speakers?
Quads look nice. Heard them with older Arcam stuff which is sort of flat sounding. Even so, I thought they tended to be bright. Read Brit-mag review and they said could be bad with bad recordings.Hard to find but try ATC SCM 7's (I think www.flate... 
integrated amp for $1500?
Search for Sugden:I think is the site. They have a buyer's guide section. Also will have reviews. 
Parametric / graphic equalizer recommendations
Thanks for the link Onhwy61. I was saying in general about turning my room into an anechoic chamber, not directed at anyone's helpful advise here. Because I have already looked into acoustic foam which absorbs specific frequencies and decided agai... 
Parametric / graphic equalizer recommendations
Well, I'm so impressed by the thoughtful responses I'll say more than I want.1) Spent a week with our local symphony orchestra and going back to my system, made me realize how bright, even tizzy on a bad CD it can be. At one point I listened to th... 
Parametric / graphic equalizer recommendations
Are any of these any good?eby parametric eq 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Also convenience. Very few people are willing to put speakers out into the room. Most people don't want tuner / transport / dac / preamp / amp / speaker with all the wires and interconnects as well.I see posts regularly for people wanting speakers... 
Backing Away from Stereophile Class A
Sugarbire - you're talking about the B&W 302's in your "system"? Must be something better than that. 
Rear wall effect on sound stage location?
Thanks Sean and Stehno for explaining. I heard Merlin VSM and male vocal is VERY forward compared to B&W Nautilus. There was 15 feet behind VSM and 6 feet behind Nautilus but VSM still had more forward presentation.Must be combination of Nauti... 
Connectors:Banana's OR Spade's
Viggen - Loss of extreme highs, loss of bass weight - loss of soundstage depth. This is really bizarre to me but I use spades and even with identical wire I noted those differences and could only say because had to do with the quality of the conne...