
Responses from cdc

$3000 MF a3.2 seperates or Arye Integrated or ?
What's wrong with MF A3.2 int or A308 int?? Or Jeff Rowland Concentra int? All very fine products. 
powerful amp to drive ATC 20T 83db
Timchen, you would need a HUGE amp if it ran only in class A. Why not try ATC's own integrated? I heard ATC passive and they sounded better with the ATC int. than ATC active 10's. 
$10 / foot speaker wire
DeKay, sidetrack all you want, this has been interesting. Cables have to connect somehow. 
room treatments? is it the room that's bright?
The analog RatShack SPL meter is better - shows peaks better due to faster response. I tape mine to a wooden cloth drying rack as reflections from your body / sofa etc. will affect frequency response.As people have said, 1st reflections are import... 
Here's why amps can be more important than speaker
LOL Marakanetz, stop it you're killing me!Thanks everyone for the comments. 
Who makes good quality bananas ?
I like Dole, the audiophile's also sells some by Dayton, screws down on the wire. 
best speakers under $1000 for classic rock?
Try a pro dealer for some active Mackie HR824 or 624's. Amps are built into the speakers. If nothing else, a good listening experience. 
How to spot a high current amps?
The LFD Mistral SE has no current limiting circuitry. It puts out 75 wpc. Does this mean it's a high current amp? I don't know. To me, if it was a true high current amp it should be able to drive <1 ohm Apogee ribbons and the only limitation wo... 
Need Suggestions For Wall Mounted Speakers
DynAudio Audience 42w ($799 MSRP) is made to mount on the wall. F-R 55-27kHz, 14" x 8.1" x 7.1" deep. 
$10 / foot speaker wire
Cellorover, where did you get the Supra cable? I can't find it.Thanks Jmslaw, I heard the Red Rose wire and was impressed. And this was at the time I thought solid core wire was the best way to go. I didn't realize it was so cheap.Driver, if you d... 
Need advice: Integrated amp for BW 804s
I'll second the Concentra or MF A-300, not Krell. Especially for the type of music you like. 
How to spot a high current amps?
If the power rating doubles when the resistance drops from 8 ohm to 4 ohm, that's a good sign.Many companies will offer current ratings when they are high because it's a good sales pitch.The instataneous current is also important. Newer amps seem ... 
Tone changes with volume
Thanks for the thumbs up. 
$10 / foot speaker wire
Dekay, I actually got some magnet wire and Kapton tape and was going to make some per the audiotweaks description. Then I started reading about low induction, decided a parallel run would be high inductance and gave up on the idea.I'm interested i... 
$10 / foot speaker wire
Thanks for the suggestions. I will be putting them on my list to look into. Definitely a sale priced AQ looks worth trying.