
Responses from cdc

Stratospheric audio gear prices
Sell 1,000 / year of "A" with $100 profit and your yearly salary is 100k. Not too shabby 🤔  
Do audiophiles creat the high prices we complain about.
I'd blame it on subjective. By keeping it in the ethereal world, who can say what anything is or isn't worth?  
My take on subjective vs. objective
cd318   Thanks for the thoughtful suggestions.  
My take on subjective vs. objective
cd318 Haha, very true. Have to pick where you will compromise. Yes, I also always thought headphones were the closest to perfection until some killjoy came along and had to p*!#  in my Wheaties. Something about spatially, binaural not being r... 
Concentric drivers
timlub That is interesting. I have heard electronic music where I swear they actually create new sounds, maybe not intended, by way of distortion interaction created between instruments. Maybe is frequency intermodulation distortion.  
Concentric drivers
So what does "Doppler effect" sound like? Like talking through a moving fan? Every driver reproduce a range of frequencies. So why don't all driver produce "Doppler effect"? All drivers change phase throughput their frequency response. Is that t... 
Creative Pebble 2.0 USB-Powered Desktop Speakers
Things that make you go hhhmmmm Creative Sounds SBS250 Not advanced this far. It has been around for decades. If you do not need volume or bass. Listen to single driver and you’ll start to hear the crossover in regular speakers and understand wh... 
My take on subjective vs. objective
cd318 Or look at it another way, if you go back 200 years, you won’t find anyone having this debate. In fact you won’t find any audio playback equipment at all Very true. Back then people worried about dying of starvation or disease. Now we ... 
Is this the entrance to my rabbit-hole?
Whilst they sounded pretty good, they never sounded quite right That's a problem.Putting that aside, it's easy to get "better" sound. But does it matter? Sounds like you found the answer to that question.  
Audiophile Jargon Demonstrated
the Analytical Bloat and Bloom created Brilliance with Clarity not Congestion or Darkness of Depth, Detail and Dynamics . the Forward, Glassy, Harsh, Imaging gave Low-Level, Lush Microphonics which Muddy the Neutral and Openness of Resolution . ... 
My take on subjective vs. objective
So what's the point?  
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
Maybe Intuitive Audio Summits were the closest. Never heard a high level audiophile speaker that I liked. Hope someday that will change.      
What is the best 2 channel listening chair?
Svago™ Newton - zero gravity recliner    
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Having trouble making a decision? Maybe this will help: 20 types of logic    
Analog vs. digital
There are two ways to get improvement. First would be to get more of the better sound. Say upgrading cables over the white and red variety. Second would be removing the bad, irritating sounds. Like those little speakers  that boost up the bass w...