
Responses from cdc

Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
Why is it viewed as an inferior process for seasoned professionals to just listen, "swish" it around in their brains for a bit, and comment? It's not. That's why audio stores allow auditioning and direct sale companies allow 30 day auditioning..  
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
Twenty years ago, THD was the start and end of the evaluation of any amplifier. Well, maybe power, first. Then THD. Armed with those two numbers, shopping was safe and easy. And now shopping is not safe and easy. So things are better now?  
If Nikola Tesla Were Alive Today, What Would His Stereo Look (and, Sound) Like?
Maybe someone here can provided a link. There was a thread at audio asylum last year. Guy in California made a speaker about 4o years ago which attached sound to radio waves. Sort of like a microwave oven but sound not electromagnetic energy. On... 
Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?
@kenjit   +1. Makes sense to me. Sad to see the negativity responses. Nor everyone agrees but at least we can accept differences. I must be missing something. Peace out  
Is a highly discerning system enjoyable?
erik_squires Just that I've heard that expression for a long time and eventually realized I never understood what it meant. How do they go about mastering a song to sound good in the car but not on hi-fi? I understand about compression, bumping ... 
Is a highly discerning system enjoyable?
@erik_squires Interesting observations Often when I bring this up I think of U2 War.  Great album, mixed for boom boxes.  What does this mean? Can't we argue though that the high resolution system in some cases IS what makes a recording sou... 
Celebrities A/V systems - any interest?
Church of Scientology had a pair of BIG PMC's shown in their studio.  
Hi-end audio is a big zero
So many great responses. Interesting to read them all. I think more people would be interested in audio and spending the money if they could feel confident about what they are buying. It would be a benefit to the industry if we could figure out ho... 
Hi-end audio is a big zero
Thanks for the sensible responses. My experience with B&M dealers has overall been positive and it really is the most practical way to make a decision. They do the best they can working with what we've got. Trying to balance customer service w... 
Types of Audiophiles
@bsmith Good one. Can an audiophile be a music lover? Puts music ahead of equipment?  
Pleasurably better, not measurably better
Agreed. Finding the particular 'sound" that you enjoy is what matters most. That may explain why Audio Note has such a cult following. They are just drivers in a box but, from what I gather, create a rather addictive and pleasurable sound, regard... 
Types of Audiophiles
The Seeker They call me The Seeker I've been searching low and high I won't get to get what I'm after Till the day I die.  
Do audiophiles creat the high prices we complain about.
mahler123 When they release a product that is priced below Market Comparable, the expectation is that it must be unworthy. That's what happens when there is no universally acceptable way way to define what is "good". We become slaves to hype, ... 
Stratospheric audio gear prices
Sell 1,000 / year of "A" with $100 profit and your yearly salary is 100k. Not too shabby 🤔  
Do audiophiles creat the high prices we complain about.
I'd blame it on subjective. By keeping it in the ethereal world, who can say what anything is or isn't worth?