
Responses from cdc

Analog vs. digital
There are two ways to get improvement. First would be to get more of the better sound. Say upgrading cables over the white and red variety. Second would be removing the bad, irritating sounds. Like those little speakers  that boost up the bass w... 
I CONFESS: I Need Additional Chemical Input
I like Novus. It is safe for polycarbonate and improves the reflectivity. The better the shine/ reflectivity, the better the laser can read the CD. A little concerned about stuff like McGuires that hardens and doesn't come off. Although I agree i... 
How Audiphiles are Different
We are a product of our own experiences.  
New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement
laynes Your measurements are worse but you do not mention if the sound is worse.  
Audiophile Speakers for Rock, HipHop and Techno
fastninja12 +1 on the Golden Ear. You nailed the description + internal amp for bass.  
Best/Cheapest/Easist Way To Burn CD's?
soulgoober "I'm looking for an easy and relatively inexpensive way to make copies of CD's " Hahahahahahahahahahaha. That ship sailed and sunk about 20 years ago. It has been replaced with, well, screwed up minds produce screwed up products,-prod... 
objective vs. subjective rabbit hole
For the people supporting the subjective approval method, how do you go about making a purchase? Buy everything and try it at home? How do you narrow it down? I don't see how auditioning in any other place than your own room, with your set-up, wou... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
What does "The minority report" mean?  
Law of Accelerated Returns
@mofojo I am in USA  
Law of Accelerated Returns
hilde45 +1 agreed If it was only so easy to just spend more money and be guaranteed better sound, sigh. Often the company IS justified in the high price based on R&D and cost to manufacture. A speaker machined from a solid block of alumin... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
jerrybj that is too bad. But looks like you have everything else covered. Must sound amazing. Maybe too involved to be called a "tweak". If you have the room for it, miniDSP allow for active crossover but need amp for each driver. I am going wi... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
Jerrybj, you are welcome. 5) Depending on how big your speakers are, I use these under my bookshelf speakers as well as CDP and prefer them to spikes. 9) Can you find out from the hospitals in your country? I wonder what they use and where they ... 
CDs And Green Markers. Please Don’t Laugh.
Hi tweak1, nice to meet. I understand. The format stinks. Hard to read everyone's posts.  
CD transports; do they really matter
charles1dad   I would love to try the RS2T but think I will have to settle for the DS2T. Is there much difference? It seems most people say digital is less affected than analog. Especially with low level signals That is why pre-amp is so sens... 
Any tweaks I'm missing?
If you’re more interested in upgrading components I would suggest Michael Percy audio things like FRED’s on page 9 power conditioner Cardas recepticles