

Responses from cal3713

Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?
When people get the X test with audio equipment I suspect many are trying to figure out if the treble, bass, image depth, tonality, etc. match A or B, not asking themselves how much they like the presentation and then seeing if that preference is ... 
Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?
And just to highlight. With those memory patients, the preference test is highly reliable (defined in testing science as a consistent, repeatable judgment). Their performance on the identification test is completely unreliability (i.e., no differe... 
Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?
It's about saying a = x. That is an identification judgment. You don't have to believe me, but the brain is worse at that than at determining preference. They have studies with patients who have zero long term memory. Every day they fail an X test... 
Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?
Please tell me how matching is different than identification. And please see above for a discussion of why the brain is better at determining preference than identification.https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NQGcNPQAAAAJ&hl=en 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@ddafoe   Please do keep updating as you add the EtherREGEN. I've been eyeing the M5 and you've got me even more interested.@mitch2 Congrats on the Evo. Really looking to hearing your impressions.And if anyone is interested in the M3, there's one ... 
Any US manufacturer of a 845 SET amplifier
@mesch  If you haven't already, you might find this thread useful: https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/what-are-some-of-the-top-845-amplifiers-you-have-heard.31294/ 
Coda 07X vs Backert Rhumba extreme vs VAC renaissance V
@romney80 Not trying to make any money or anything... I've got 3 matched Amperex 6922 white label/grey plates and 2 matched Amperex 7302 white label US factory tubes (60's vintage).  I got them for my Audio Mirror Tubadour III-SE, but ended up sti... 
Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?
Given the light discussion around ab(x) testing, as a scientist with phd training in human data collection and cognitive functioning, I object to the (x) part of the judgment task. Identification should not be the goal. We listen to equipment to d... 
Coda 07X vs Backert Rhumba extreme vs VAC renaissance V
@romney80 & @tvad I stupidly responded before making it to the end of the thread and didn't notice the purchase decision. Congrats!  And please do post back with your impressions. I've always wanted to hear VAC gear. Used to be particularly in... 
Coda 07X vs Backert Rhumba extreme vs VAC renaissance V
Its good you’re thinking about impedance issues. That 7.5k input impedance is very low and likely to present an issue with many tube based pres. If the pre's output is capacitor coupled, you’ll likely need capacitors of at least 10uF. https://www.... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@mitch2 Your choice, an ldr or discrete resistors (.5% vs .1% max thd respectively). Each module is $50 and you can swap them out at will. My preamp builder tried both and liked both. Described the ldr as more organic and the resistor module as mo... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@dgarretson Not sure if this is indicative of the house sound changing or not, but the new lampizator amber 3 definitely doesn’t sound syrupy. Was very lively in my system. Too bright and incisive for my tastes (& system synergy) actually.Also... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@mitch2 Sounds like maybe you've already located it, but if not you might consider the Tortuga epot.v3 mini. It's designed to screw into a chassis through the same hole as a standard volume control pot and add remote volume control (ldr or discret... 
External DAC for Cambridge CXN (V2) and Sony XA 5400 ES
@midareff1 Regarding re-digitizing, I put my entire collection on a hard drive years ago using bit prefect eac rips. I find that I usually prefer Tidal's version to my own, so probably not much need to rip disks that are also streamable. 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@fastfreight I believe that the lack of a toslink input option is just a website error. They had that option listed a few months ago when I checked. Ben also said he "could" put in an i2s connection, although he recommended strongly against it.