

Responses from cal3713

Ceramic fuses
@ricey As George's images very nicely point out, it'll be important to try at least two new fuses so you can compare new to new.  @georgehifi Thanks for posting. Those images are eye opening. Any idea how many cycles passed between images? 
Diy helph
@milo66 congrats and thanks for posting. Looks super useful... 
Dedicated line questions...
@erik_squires I do have a 5v ifi ww for a toslink to spdif converter I don't use anymore, I'll let you know if I find the occasion to test it. 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Congrats Mike, what a great result. And always good to end up with a Pass Labs product.  Periodically you run into alternative approaches (e.g., https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/100-w-tube-amplifier-malfunctioned) and it highlights how nice ... 
Biamping with a tube and SS combo
I too have tried many of these configurations and have speakers with quite a bit of midrange information (even a crossover around 150hz goes really far up if its a first order slope).  Unfortunately, I always lost too much coherency for it to be w... 
Faulty NAD CD player
Probably a <$10 fix if you're comfortable opening up your player yourself. 
Faulty NAD CD player
You've almost certainly got a rubber belt wearing out. I've fixed a similar issue on a demon before. If you need help repairing, consider reposting on diyaudio. In my experience it's a super helpful group and people will help you identify the prob... 
Dedicated line questions...
One last thought regarding my motivation for 3 lines. I had a switching supply for my minidsp subwoofer crossover. When I unplugged it from the front end circuit I could tell it was injecting some jaw clenching distortion so I moved it over to a s... 
Dedicated line questions...
I used to be able to hear feedback in my stereo when I turned on lights in the dining room. An independent line ended that.  They do matter, and not just for peace of mind.  I actually ran two to my system which lets me keep my amps plugged direct... 
Diy helph
Agreed with @erik_squires that diyaudio is likely to be of more help with this issue.Perhaps this thread is somewhere to start: https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/diyaudio-com-articles/163575-audio-component-grounding-interconnecti...When dealing wit... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I'm personally against USB, but am probably just biased from using a non-specialized computer input long ago.  As long as you've got a quality USB out, it looks like the May's USB input measures very well (and supports higher input rates if that's... 
DAC finalist please help
@jjss49 Thanks for reposting your summary slides, its always good to get that content in a new thread and even those of us who've seen them before benefit from the reminders... Your experience is a great resource and I can tell from your results t... 
DAC finalist please help
Hopefully I don't sound like a used car salesmen since I originally recommended the dac, but I may have a used AM-T3se for sale in a month (upgraded with solid core 99.999 silver signal wire, wbt pure silver rca's, and copper shielding for the ana... 
Purifi Class D: Junk?
DAC finalist please help
I greatly enjoy my audio mirror and from everything I've read it seems the mdhts @jjss49 suggested are also beautiful sounding. After getting an r2r nos dac and enjoying my AM T3se for the past year, I am heavily biased to stay within this typolog...