

Responses from cal3713

Advise before I regret
The only answer that matters is the one your ears tell you. 
Holo Audio May DAC
Congrats @kmmd. Hope you love it. I'm on the first few hours of mine. So far so good. Always good if you're not immediately missing your old unit while the new one is still warming up and breaking-in. A promising start.  
DAC's Made in the USA
@tuckerllc I just read the full product description. Definitely worth clicking the link. Thanks. 
Subwoofers with current source First Watt?
@imhififan I wouldn't generalize from one First Watt amplifier (the SIT2 link you posted) to another (the F2-J).  Aside from using a basic shared power supply schematic they are (often) completely different designs. 
Line Magnetic 845 Premium or Pass Labs INT-60?
One nice thing about trying Pass products is that you can easily get home trial periods from RenoHifi. And the best thing about owning Pass products is supporting a company that truly cares about their customers. What other manufacturer out there ... 
Line Magnetic 845 Premium or Pass Labs INT-60?
Agreed that it all comes down to system matching. I've had 8W 300bs outperform an int30a on one system and first watt f4s outperform the same 300b monos on a different one. In both cases the speakers were in the 90s with flat impedance curves high... 
Subwoofers with current source First Watt?
@zm Unfortunately it looks like you already have your answer through experimentation. Clearly something isn't working appropriately.  Still worth finding out why though.Pass labs is always helpful with such questions, but if you want alternative p... 
Ceramic fuses
Repeat after me. "I am absolutely correct. My perspective is absolute and completely free of bias."People who hear differences cannot be convinced that they don't. People who don't hear differences cannot be convinced that they exist. It doesn't m... 
DAC's Made in the USA
@lukaske Perhaps you posted to the wrong thread? Pass Labs doesn't make a dac... 
Running a preamp into another preamp
It's all just gain. Like was said above, you need to be careful you don't have too much of it or you can make your amp clip and/or break the speakers. But as long as you're not pushing too much power you should be fine.  
DAC's Made in the USA
I haven't heard the dacs under consideration, but I would like to suggest that you consider tvad's suggestion. I've heard enough equipment he's previously commented on to know he has trustworthy ears (at least if you hear like me)... 
Biamping with a tube and SS combo
I have a tube preamp feeding sonically transparent solid state amplifiers and enjoy the combination a great deal. Perhaps I'm biased because of that, but I believe you've made a good plan.  Plus, preamps often run tubes more conservatively than po... 
Holo Audio May DAC
FYI for people wondering about lead times. I just got my shipping notification. Ordered on December 2nd, will arrive on 12/28.  
DAC's Made in the USA
@twoleftears I figured there was no reason to continue to push after the first recommendation was posted, especially given the support AM gets in most threads these days. But I will happily support the suggestion. As I've said before, I love my AM... 
DAC finalist please help
Yes, it is upgradeable, and AM offers an in home trial period if you want to try with minimal risk.