

Responses from cal3713

Holo Audio May DAC
Wow, two *very* different approaches for the Holo vs AB. NOS vs upsample everything to dsd512. Would be an interesting and informative comparison. 
Holo Audio May DAC
I think he's just referring to the AK4137  chip that handles all upsampling. But you're right that the standard r2r modules are still involved. See below:From: https://www.kitsunehifi.com/product/holo-audio-may-dac/"The oversampling is done by AK4... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
What speaker – under $10k – has the best timbre and tonal qualities?
I haven't heard the cube audio offerings, but they are one modern option that falls into the above category:https://refinedaudio.com/collections/cube-audio 
What speaker – under $10k – has the best timbre and tonal qualities?
You might consider reading about the speakers SET lovers prefer. It's a group that focuses directly on the qualities you appear to be after. As pointed out above, many of the suggestions seem to be for "my favorite speakers" not speakers that meet... 
Control volume with DAC or Preamp?
@georgehifi I respect your perspective, but you can't tell people their ears are wrong when they find that an active preamp improves system performance. The nice thing about having volume control in both pre and dac is that it allows you to find o... 
Where are the cheap home streamers?
@danvignau No read errors or noise injected from the CD player mechanics. You'll note that some CD players (e.g., PS audio's well reviewed transport) use a computer drive and copy the track off the drive and then feed the data to the dac from memo... 
Buying a DAC when you can't try it first
@larry5729 The stock tubes are rated for at least 5000 hours. I'm getting close to a year into daily use and my tubes sound better than a brand new replacement pair I have in storage. Replacements of the stock tubes are plentiful and something lik... 
Dolby decoder with digital output (downmixed to 2 channel)?
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm giving this a shot, but unfortunately you don't have any control over the downmix. https://www.parts-express.com/parts-express-hdmi-audio-extractor-with-toslink-and-lr-audio--180-995I'll keep the oppo option in mind... 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
@mglik More great news. Congrats.@luisma31 http://www.emissionlabs.com/datasheets/EML-20B.htmlhttps://www.bartola.co.uk/valves/2018/03/25/eml-20a-dht-preamp/ 
100 W Tube Amplifier Malfunctioned
Also, let’s talk a little bit about the $1700 bill. What’s the actual parts cost here?? Probably $150. This is criminal.  
100 W Tube Amplifier Malfunctioned
@bob540 & @skrumpymanjack Couldn't agree more. I know someone who bought a secondhand dac and was, after a third emailed question, told "I haven't made any money from you and I'm going to have to change you for the next one." That asshole resp... 
Streamer for Kii3 speakers
I find it unlikely that a different version of room correction will offer any noticeable improvement unless you're planning on adding additional speakers that will need to be integrated (and maybe the kii3s are already built to handle that?). As f... 
Need some advice. Trying to help a neighbor in need.....
Agreed with the music room recommendations. They're fair, tried and tested, and within driving distance so you don't have to worry about shipping. https://tmraudio.com/ 
Is there a Solid State amp that can satisfy a SET guy?
@luisma31 Great, thanks so much for the details. Seems to be a bit of a consensus that people prefer the 6sn7 circuit in the Suprateks.I have SS amps (First Watt f4 monoblocks) that provide only current gain and have very little sound of their own...