

Responses from cal3713

Notifications when someone comments on my virtual system
That functionality is also pretty buggy. Right now in this thread the @ feature isn't working for anyone's handle for me. 
Notifications when someone comments on my virtual system
Ha MC, hilarious.It’s crazy that they destroyed the functionality of the systems pages with the update many years ago and never bothered to fix it. Used to be a very active part of the forums (see, e.g., https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/3697) ... 
Dedicated line questions...
Congrats. Please do report back! 
Confession of a poor power cord pairing for a Pass Labs XA-25
@alfau7 No reason not to just ask Pass directly. They'll know better than anyone else and are a pleasure to deal with.   info@passlabs.com  
Pass Preamps
15 year old zombie thread warning. 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@mitch2 Any updates on the Evo? 
Dedicated line questions...
I'd be curious to hear what a benchmark smps does. They strongly argue that their switching supply is actually better than a linear one. Like you I have my doubts, but would love to learn otherwise. Who wants to devote an entire line to switching ... 
Dedicated line questions...
@erik_squires I just pulled out my ifi 5v wall wort power supply to power an spdif jitter reducer. Initially had it plugged into my bp3.5 ultra balanced power conditioner with the rest of my digital and soon noticed some hash in the system while l... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Maybe he will given the success of the sit amps. I've heard they're starting to get low on their supply and the sit3 was only possible because the parts have been so reliable. Previously, those transistors had been held in reserve for replacement ... 
Tweeters are silent on my Wilson audio Sofia 2
@jimofmaine Agreed. Any competent local tech should be able to figure this out relatively easily. @jetset Do you live somewhere with an audio club? If so, you might reach out and see if anyone would be willing to come over and check them out for y... 
Bricasti M3 In the house
I continue to see very positive user reports. @tvad has one and really likes it. His posts are snapchats though and go away after a day or two.  I suspect if you send a pm he'd be happy to tell you what he thinks. He's heard a lot of gear. 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
@rwpollock Perhaps you’re just suggesting that pass finds a new manufacturer for the SIT devices? The first run was custom made by Semisouth for Pass Labs (hence the Pass label on the transistors), but they have since closed the factory.Some inter... 
Ceramic fuses
It's funny that George can get everyone onto a "paid shill" conspiracy theory when he's in all the preamp and dac threads talking about how everyone who likes active preamps is ignorant. Of course he manufactures and sells a passive pre.Would be n... 
Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC
Unfortunately there does not appear to be many internet savvy users of the PL. I also considered this comparison about a year ago, but could only find one or two user reports of the PL dac. Haven't really seen anything new pop up in the meantime e... 
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)
Recommendations all over the place as is customary.A few new thoughts and/or reinforcements. 1. It’s pretty clear that your equipment has been selected to maximize your b&ws. Any speaker change is going to be a bit of a journey because of that...