

Responses from cal3713

Any advantage having a 3V Dac output?
That 6x gain translates into 15db, which is lower than many other amps but pretty standard for the first watt approach.  I don't know enough about voltage input sensitivity to know for sure, but I suspect that value is also lower than many other a... 
Any advantage having a 3V Dac output?
@tiofelon diyaudio.com/passlabs is a good source for finding out more esoteric details regarding first watt offerings. In the below thread, they state:. "The F5 has a gain of 6times.The clipping voltage of the F5 is ~ 21Vpk, or 14.7Vac."https://ww... 
Audiophile Grade RCA Input Suggestions?
I agree that I think you're stuck with stock if you're not willing to build your own solution with more standard connectors. I've liked the WBT low mass RCAs I bought while switching everything I could over to pure silver, but haven't found the in... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
@charles1dad Indeed, replacing the PREs' stranded copper with solid silver in teflon produced an immediately apparent decrease in distortion and increase in realism and naturalness. I attribute some of that to solid core vs stranded and some to si... 
100 W Tube Amplifier Malfunctioned
And sorry to say, but I still think this should be warranty repair. Maybe a middle ground is you pay for parts and he provides free installation. You've already got to cover shipping... So you definitely lose the most on the transaction. 
100 W Tube Amplifier Malfunctioned
Perhaps you could have the manufacturer hold the amps until you can find a US buyer? Presumably he's confident that the issue is due to voltage differences that would not present themselves to a US customer.  Once you sell he could ship to your bu... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
@charles1dad Indeed, I first heard about the duelunds from you and as always found that I heard the same thing when I put them in my system. I've currently got them on my pre tweeters and as output caps in both my dac and pre. I've tried a number ... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
I'll also note that I have since replaced my Coincident frankenstein 300bs with highly modified (diy) first watt f4s (pure solid core silver wire on either side of the circuit boards, 1600Vs of outboard power supply with over 350,000uF of capacito... 
Preamp Input for Coincident system - Don Sachs, deHavilland, LTA, Joule Electra?
Wow. Every once in a while you ask yourself the same question and end up running into an old thread. As an update, I’m currently running a heavily modified don sachs ds2 6sn7 preamp. Over the past year and a half of ownership I’ve replaced the sto... 
Uptone EtherRegen
@grannyring Did they give you any indication of what the prior issue might have been? 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
Sounds promising, even if not a revelatory change so far. Looking forward to the next update... 
Why are digital streaming equipment manufacturers refusing to answer me?
@audio2design  Below is a journal article you might find interesting.  It explores a mechanism behind the empirical paradox that people can show a reliable preference between two stimuli but fail to discrimination between them on an ABX discrimina... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@rsf507 Apparently the one I was referring to already sold on day 1. It's no longer listed. 
Any US manufacturer of a 845 SET amplifier
Ha, yeah... always expensive over there.  
Coda 07X vs Backert Rhumba extreme vs VAC renaissance V
Great outcome, exactly what you hope to hear when people get new gear. Tube pre and ss amp is my solution too. Congrats!