
Responses from br3098

Direct drive vs belt vs rim vs idler arm
Phil,That was a well-written and informative post. 
Turntable Choices
You did choose the worst solution. Hope you got a good price, but even that will not improve performanceAtta boy, way to go. Keep rallying the troops through positive encouragement! Are you by any chance a mid-level manager for the phone company? 
Tannoy Westminster amp matching question.
I have a pair of Tannoy Stirlings TWs. I have tried powering them with all sorts of amps; from 5W tubes to 200W SS. I am basically a tube guy. But IMO the Tannoy dual concentric drivers, especially the larger (12"-15" units), need a little power (... 
Reasonable not to be offered a trial on a cart?
Spiritofmusic, while I'm glad that you found a dealer that will meet your requirements, I think that your expectations are unreasonable for most dealers. You believe that an in-home demo for "a couple of hours" is fair and reasonable on a $6,500 p... 
King of the one liners
My favorite Dangerfield joke:In my town we had an ugly girl. So ugly that when two men broke into her apartment one night, she yelled "Rape!" They yelled "NO!" 
Best Amp for Klipsch La Scala Speakers? Xmas Gift
Markpao said: "The OP's speaker was listed as the LaSkala, not the K- Horn."Sorry, my bad. But I will advise the same recommendations. 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
I will use Jaxwired's response as an example: "...Since I buy low, I can sell for little loss."So as I see it, you want to buy new gear for (close to) the price of used, depreciated gear. There is nothing wrong with that, except that this model do... 
Best Amp for Klipsch La Scala Speakers? Xmas Gift
As others have indicated, you can use almost any amp to power a K-horn. The classic audiophile pairing is either a 300b, 2A3 or (if you are more adventurous) a 645 SET amp. Personally, I prefer EL84 but different strokes.I would suggest that you l... 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
I have a couple of questions for all of you guys who are buying all of your expensive audio gear on the web:1- Just where did you go to hear this gear before you decided to buy it, or are the completely accurate and unbiased opinions on Audiogon a... 
Dave Brubeck...RIP
I saw this early this morning. It's sad for us, but he lived a long and wonderful life and he will continue to bring joy to jazz affectionados for generations to come. I have seen Dave play maybe ten times, from the 1970s until just a couple of ye... 
Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of
Taters wrote: "Why are dealers so scared to sell product out of state..."Spoken like a true consumer, i.e. one who has no idea of the competitive pressures and costs associated with being an audio dealer in today's web economy. Why don't you spend... 
CJ CT-5 vs. CT-6
Ah, the one of the joys of being an audiophile... the luxury of arguing over which great preamp is "better".I have heard the Premier 16 (not a MkII) on several occasions, and I concur that it is a great amp. Without having heard them together, I w... 
Replacement for Squeezebox Touch?
Bama214,I have a couple of Squeezebox IIIs around the house. They still work fine. Due to the FUD re: their demise, I am thinking of replacing them with Apple Airport Express or Sonos, neither of which support streaming hi-res files at this time.A... 
CJ CT-5 vs. CT-6
LOL. I presume that you are wearing the requisite fake arrow-thru-the-head while you typed this? 
CJ CT-5 vs. CT-6
Jafant,You will have to ask Bill or Lew the specific reasons why these two products were released in the same time period at the upcoming CES show in January. I believe that they were appealing to two different markets: the CT-5 to the A.R.T. incl...