
Responses from br3098

Amp suggestion for my Audio Note Es
Which AN E speakers?  They are not all the same, in terms of sound and sensitivity.But I agree with Ralph. I have owned a few AN Es and they always sounded better to me with 30-60 Wpc. The Atma-Sphere OTL amps would be a great way to go. My favori... 
... Anyone familiar with the Neat Iota Alpha floorstander...
I heard the Iota Alpha speakers a few years ago and was very impressed. So much so that I purchased a pair for my daughter, a professional opera singer who lives in NYC and uses a small bedroom as her listening room.First off you should know that ... 
Pear Audio's Kid Thomas Owners - What is your experience?
I used to be a dealer for Pear Audio.  I had a couple of customers that wanted to use tonearms w/ removeable headshells.  No problem.If you use a tonearm of the same geometry (length) and can be center post mounted, you can find a way to adapt the... 
OMG CAT has a web page!!
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a d*ck.  I just couldn't help myself. 
OMG CAT has a web page!!
OMG!!! (you need to channel your inner 16-year old cheerleader voice) 
Luxman - Shindo - Mcintosh ? you think the MC225 would be the best value ?Best value?  Dunno.  They go for about the same as the MC240.  But the amp only has 2 gain stages (as opposed to 3 on the MC240) and the 7591A tubes make for a very sweet sound.  I've owned lots o... 
Luxman - Shindo - Mcintosh ?
The amps you listed use different power tubes and sound quite different.  If I were looking for a tube power amp for this system it would be a mac MC225.  Sounds sweeter than the MC240 IMO.  New Tung Sol 7591A power tubes are relatively inexpensiv... 
Parasound A23+ vs. Emotiva XPA-DR2
The A23+ is a very good integrated amp, but the A21+ is even better.  All the soundstage, detail and clarity of the A23+ with better punch than the Emotiva.  IMO 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference? Not a whit, in my experience.  More illusory audio magic for highly suggestible audiophiles. 
The Music Room - Boulder Colorado
Although I have never purchased anything from TMR, I have had a couple of pleasant and responsive email exchanges.  These guys seem to be very legitimate.  They have a lot of great used gear for sale, at pretty attractive prices.  Because they ten... 
what happened to Golden Tube?
I have owned GTA amps and preamps.  They got a bad rap because they used some low quality parts and they exited the scene rather quickly in the early 1990s.  But having said that, their designs were pretty good and the units sound pretty good.  I ... 
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?
There are lots of good SS power amps out there.  Most important thing IMO is to make sure that any amp over 15 years old has been inspected and serviced by a reputable technician.  Some of my favorites (besides the ones listed above):1- Bryston Po... 
what happened to Golden Tube?
Are you referring to Golden Tube Audio? 
Has anyone heard a DNA-1 with the Gravity Base upgrade?
Sorry, my bad.  I am unaware of this offering by McCormack. 
Has anyone heard a DNA-1 with the Gravity Base upgrade?
McCormack DNA-1 or (better) DNA-1 Plus - yesPillartech Gravity Base - why?  Do you really think it's going to make a substantial difference?My advice: buy a nice piece of end-grain maple butcher block to fit under the amp and use the rest of the b...