
Responses from br3098

My list of seller red flags
If an item is priced to sell you will not have to deal with low-ballers because it will sell before they get a chance to even see your ad. That is why explicitly saying "Price is firm" is unnecessary. It just makes you look stubborn and will scare... 
VTA on the fly
small changes will not affect overhang or VTF...small changes in VTA do affect overhang and VTF. Just in a small way 😊 
Question about Gamut speaker terminal
GamuT speaker connectors were designed for and work best with bare wire connections. Thick spades may not fit but smaller, thinner spade connectors will, as will banana plugs. 
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms
The best speakers for bad rooms IMO are the Bose 901's.  Those things can be set up darn near anywhere and still sound pretty good.Agreed. Except for the "sound pretty good" part. 
Which brand of 45 tubes do you use?
I prefer NOS 45 tubes for my 45 SET mono blocks. I have a few pair of National Union tubes which always sound lovely. I also have a couple of pairs of Philcos that I haven't used.I haven't tried EML or Sophia because the NOS tubes sound great, are... 
What was wrong with the P-mount ?
Zero adjustments?? Sounds perfect! :)Be careful what you wish for. Simple is fine, as long as simple also provides the performance you are expecting. 
Recently Inherited a Kenwood L-O7D
Robert, I believe the OP is inquiring about a Kenwood L-07D turntable, not L-07M mono block amps. 
What was wrong with the P-mount ?
It did have a lot going for it...Such as? OK, P-mount cartridges are quick and easy to mount. But the size, shape and weight of the standardized cartridge was very limiting for cartridge designers. Pretty much all of these were high compliance (... 
all tube phono preamp creating a crackling, fire-like sound
Sounds like a tube is going t*ts up. Do you have access to a good tube tester? 
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms
Thanks Duke! I always enjoy (and more importantly, learn something from) your posts. 
small footprint Class A mono blocks and pre amplifier
I think you're demonstrating poor judgement and rushed buying decisionsBecause he didn't listen to you? Riiiight 
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms
Duke and heaudio both make good points. But without hijacking this thread I will simply say that there are some folks (including me) that find omnidirectional speakers better mimic the music we prefer in the venues we typically listen live. I li... 
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms
Interesting thread. I would say that there are basically two ways to deal with a problematic room (but aren't they all problematic, to some degree?). First is by passive or active treatment. The former is classic room treatments, as little or as m... 
Active Not powered stand mount loudspeaker recommendations
seadogs1, I have been involved in audio for over 45 years, including several years as an audio dealer and distributor. I have never before heard of an unpowered speaker referred to as "active." The industry, in general, regards an active speaker... 
How does this make sense, any sense? Any sense at all??
where are the Big Room people listening?In the large listening rooms I have set up or listened in, the listening distances may be the same or a little greater then tooms you are used to. But listening to a small speaker, even at 9' away in a lar...