
Responses from br3098

Help: ISO Beginner full setup for excellent sound on $2000 max budget
I think that you could put together a very good system for well under $2K, but it probably won't be tubes and it may not be the gear brands you specified.You might look at a kit from Edwards Audio. They are a UK company that makes turntables, inte... 
What is the average dealer mark up?
richopp, crustycoot and 8th-note are spot on. With all due respect, most of you guys have no idea of what it takes to open, run and maintain a B&M audio business. To paraphrase an old saying, the best way to make a small fortune in the audio b... 
Art Dudley passed away. Rest in Peace
The audio world just became a little bit smaller. I can't say I knew Art but I met him while working several audio shows and he was always the curious gentleman. I enjoyed Art's writing and his outlook on audio and music. 
Neat Iota Alpha and Iota Xplorer. Has anyone owned or auditioned either one??.
I purchased a pair of Iota Alphas for my daughter, an apartment-dwelling opera singer. She loves them. I am a big fan of polydirectional speakers and reflected sound for acoustic and classical music and the Alphas sound great. The ribbon tweeter i... 
My list of seller red flags
falconquest, I get it. We are in agreement. I was really asking the OP why he felt it necessary to create (and then advertise) a seller checklist. This is supposed to be a hobby. It it's not fun we call it work. Well, most of the time anyway... 
Best Amp With Some Warmth and Midrange Magic - Need 150wpc solid state, 100wpc Tube
... the RAAL's require 150wpc solid state, and 100wpc tubed. Just curious, why different requirements for tube vs SS? Watts are watts. 
New Yamaha integrated amps
Steve Huff wrote a heck of a review on the S-3000 I enjoy reading this guys reviews but I don't believe a word of it. Every piece of gear he tests is the best thing since sliced bread; until it's not. I don't know if he is an enthusiastic fanbo... 
My list of seller red flags
If an item is priced to sell you will not have to deal with low-ballers because it will sell before they get a chance to even see your ad. That is why explicitly saying "Price is firm" is unnecessary. It just makes you look stubborn and will scare... 
VTA on the fly
small changes will not affect overhang or VTF...small changes in VTA do affect overhang and VTF. Just in a small way 😊 
Question about Gamut speaker terminal
GamuT speaker connectors were designed for and work best with bare wire connections. Thick spades may not fit but smaller, thinner spade connectors will, as will banana plugs. 
Speakers that sound great in terrible rooms
The best speakers for bad rooms IMO are the Bose 901's.  Those things can be set up darn near anywhere and still sound pretty good.Agreed. Except for the "sound pretty good" part. 
Which brand of 45 tubes do you use?
I prefer NOS 45 tubes for my 45 SET mono blocks. I have a few pair of National Union tubes which always sound lovely. I also have a couple of pairs of Philcos that I haven't used.I haven't tried EML or Sophia because the NOS tubes sound great, are... 
What was wrong with the P-mount ?
Zero adjustments?? Sounds perfect! :)Be careful what you wish for. Simple is fine, as long as simple also provides the performance you are expecting. 
Recently Inherited a Kenwood L-O7D
Robert, I believe the OP is inquiring about a Kenwood L-07D turntable, not L-07M mono block amps. 
What was wrong with the P-mount ?
It did have a lot going for it...Such as? OK, P-mount cartridges are quick and easy to mount. But the size, shape and weight of the standardized cartridge was very limiting for cartridge designers. Pretty much all of these were high compliance (...