
Responses from boxcarman

Luxman 509x vs Hegel H390
I have a Hegel/ Magnepan combination that is totally revealing to the source.  It is a Plain Jane to look at and I have drooled over the Luxmans many times since, but  the Maggies are power hungry.  Always look at what will make your speakers soun... 
Background noise.
@baylinor  I too suffer from tinnitus, don't really like the volume too high or it shortens my session.  Don't bother calling the tinnitus hotline.  They never pick up.  It just keeps ringing.  
Streaming is great, I use it most of the time, but keep the wall of records and CD's.  It makes terrific ambience for your listening room.  I have some occasional gatherings and it seems a lot of my friends [mostly 60-ish] will pick out a record t... 
Roger Waters and Graham Nash on The Band.
I wouldn't ever mention The Band in the same sentence as the Beatles.  Oops.  
This sounds like something I might have done.  My suggestion is to play them awhile to see if it does affect the sound.  If it does,  try the magnet approach first.  
What are/were the best sounding cheap components you have ever had?
No matter what cheap stuff you buy, over time, the cheepnis [ha ha]  will come to your attention.   And you will know you got what you pay for.  
Its not vinyl
I have almost equal amount of money in streaming and TT setup and I will say that with records, the music flows out of the speakers.  With streaming, good recordings will jump out.  Make sense to you?  
Transients hurting my ears on hifi solid state amps
Try a different power cord.  Or speaker cables.  Experiment.  Everything DOES make a difference.  
I have seen a lot of ideas concerning Cable lifters
I have a revealing system  and I report no difference at all with cable lifters.  None.  Nada.  Zip.  
Ampzilla 2000 v2 and Mcintosh MC402
Stick with Mac if you like a warm robust sound.  Almost anything else in that price range will articulate better.  
Shakti Stone
Only pet rocks will work.  So before you try them, talk sweet to them and you will be rewarded.  
Did you notice....
Are you streaming WI-Fi or ethernet connected?  Are you using Toslink connection or digital coax?  These are BIG differences to your sound quality. I have tried things both ways.  Also, even Qobuz has its ups and downs.  Lots of music sounds pheno... 
Placement of Components
Best advise is do some A/B comparisons to see what YOU like best.  Take some time and do it right.  
Sound quality of Roon
My Bel Canto streamer with  it's "Seek" app might be a little quirky but sounds terrific.  Can someone tell me why I would need Roon?  
Where do you want your system to go when you go?
I am surprised no one has said they want to be buried with their headphones on.