
Responses from botrytis

I see the issue with ABX blind testing
@mahgister I do not - I have been involved in blind ABX testing in audio and in science. How the Brain Fills in the Blanks | Psychology Today Your brain is filling the blanks. Don’t believe us? Try this… - COVE | Center of Visual Expertise (cove... 
@larsman  They were pleasing. The Borrensen C1's were also nice sounding.   @jayctoy I don't know the equipment, but if the room is an issue, maybe try a different room?  I know that it is hard to get rooms. I am just saying other rooms with big... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
@zuesman So true about concrete. I remember seeing Tangerine Dream in concert, in 1986-7, at a small venue in Chicago. It was standing room only, on concrete floors. I remember the bass reverberating in my feet, from the concrete then feeling it i... 
Will a tube amp work well on Revel f208?
Thanks for that @thecarpathian - didn't know. The post still holds true. One can't argue with physics.  
See, now we have people attacking based on MY opinion. I write down my experiences in rooms, usually small descriptive phrases. In my opinions from the last few AXPONA’s it ended up being similar - recessed, not dynamic, lifeless. You can take it... 
@mikelavigne I have setup rooms in hotels as I belonged to a group of audio people who used to have their own little convention. THAT IS AN EXCUSE. Sorry, if I can setup a decent room at a hotel, then anyone should be able to. After all, that IS w... 
Will a tube amp work well on Revel f208?
@millercarbon Watts is watts - that is the old wife's tales that a 50-watt tube amp plays louder than a 200-watt SS. People still believe this stuff in this day and age blows my mind.  
Some thoughts on ASR and the reviews
I appreciate that @amir_asr  is here. He has been very patient with the attacks on him, on this forum. Thank you. Don't forget that both personal taste (subjective) and measurements (objective) come into play when buying equipment. People seem t... 
I found all the Stenheim speakers Tipped up treble and bloated in the bass. None were impressive at all. The Gobel/Wadax room is always disappointing as there is so much money there and some of the smaller systems sound way better than this room.... 
Some thoughts on ASR and the reviews
Depends.. @mofojo  Pass is not perfect.  
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
@atmasphere I worked at place that got negative reviews and got sued also and lost. They are still in business. So I say that is not true. If you think this way, you should not be facing any customers, because your ego can’t deal with a bad reacti... 
I was wondering what people thought of the new Morel speakers? I really couldn't tell as they were overdrive the room so much.  
ribbons vs domes and sibilance
I have heard silk domes, aluminum domes, beryllium domes tgat had sibilance and also others that had no sibilance. It is based on how good the speaker designer is. That said for me Magico, YG Acoustics, B&W D4 range all have sibilance that an... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
It is amazing how much our brains fill in, which isn't there. Hence why blind ABX testing is the ultimate way to prove whether or not something is improved.  
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
@atmasphere  I have issues with you saying negative reviews are because someone has an axe to grind. Maybe, but how does one define that?   I can say too many positive reviews, such as the MQA fiasco in the main audio magazines tell me it is the...