

Responses from bombaywalla

New YBA equipment... Old YBA
>> save yourself some money and buy a good DVD player as a>> transport.>> perrykg@comcast.net well said indeed! some months ago I bought a SOny DVP-S7000 DVD player to use as a transport (with a Scott Nixon DAC) & I have not ... 
Wadia vs. Audiomeca
Honest1, if you can afford it try some hi-end paassive xformer like the Placette Audio passive preamp. There are others more reasonably priced like the Bent Audio that uses TX102 xformers, the Antique Sound Labs passive preamp, the recently S'phil... 
Does such a player exist?
ooooooh yes!Wadia 301Wadia 302Wadia 850Wadia 830Wadia 860xjust search the for sale items at this red-hot moment & you'll find all of the above models for sale for less than 5K.The 850 & 860 & I think the 8XX series are all fully balanc... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
Bart,>> So for you to say that Ken's design was optimized for>> the Sovtek is absurd.I'm merely conveying to you what he told me. For a clarification you should call Ken & ask him yourself what he exactly means. 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
Bart,>> but I'll bet you that the Amperex 12AX7 D getter long>> plate (circa 1950's at 200 to 300 a pair)will>> significantly outperform the EI 12ax7.maybe so. The $ amount is a bit too extravagant for me - I cannot convince myse... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
John,Thanks for your update. Appreciate your time to write a detailed rebuttal post. >> And yes, I knew my comments would get people's blood boiling.NO! my blood is not boiling. Far from that, let me assure you & double assure you, if I ... 
CAT Preamps vs Amps
Hi Rayhall & Jafox,Jafox: good to read your review of the CAT UII after having played w/ it for 3 months. I guessed, when I spoke to you earlier this year, from your choice of words, that your review was not going to be favourable towards the ... 
Accuphase DP-57 vs DP-67 Comparison
in late April I had the opportunity to listen to the Accuphase DP-57 CD player & the DP-78 SACD/CD player. The DP-57 was fed into an expensive Boulder preamp & that, in turn, was fed into either a BAT VK600SE or a Boulder 2060 power amp. I... 
My vote for Vandersteen 5A at Audio show
I did not attend this show but I have heard Gryphon electronics elsewhere & I definitely concur w/ you on this brand.It is virtually unknown (& unappreciated) in the USA, which is a crying shame! 
Speaker 101 - tweeter, cone material
>> What is Kevlar?http://www.dupont.com/kevlar/whatiskevlar.html 
Ref. 3a , GMA & Tyler compare ?
>> That you find the Calisto's not to be bright as>> described by Drsaid could be 1) that they are not>> bright, 2) that you have heard them with amplification>> which was carefully chosen to reveal them at their>> be... 
Ref. 3a , GMA & Tyler compare ?
>> 05-17-06: Newbee>> Contrary to what Bombaywalla sez (and I don't note that>> he sez he has actually listened to Linbrooks)...Just to clear the record, Newbee, I "ASKED" - there is a "?" at the end of that statement I wrote in ... 
Ref. 3a , GMA & Tyler compare ?
>> your tastes are a bit more bright (but not overly so)>> then the Callistos may be what you are looking for...something is not right here when a person calls the Callisto "bright"!! I've heard these speakers & would not call them... 
Gryphon Mikado
I have a friend who owns an all-Gryphon system that uses the prev rev Adagio CDP. He has heard the Mikado & claims that it betters the Adagio in all respects. To him it was worth the price (tho he has not upgraded. he went w/ another CDP - the... 
GMA Callisto vs. Reference 3a De Capo i
>> 05-16-06: Drubin>> Thank you, sir. I like sealed boxes, too. But I think>> all of Roy's current designs have ports, don't they?welcome!yes, all present designs are ported. ALL his ported designs are superbly executed in that t...