

Responses from bombaywalla

>> 01-19-06: Aball>> No. The sonic benefit is that the entire signal is >> swung by a transistor (or several in parallel) instead>> of individual halves of the signal being split up by >> two different transistors. Si... 
is RMAF worth a trip
I went this year & I must say that it was worth every penny that I spent to attend! I really liked meeting all the manuf that were there representing their products & also the long-time dealers representing the products.My ONLY complaint w... 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
>> 10-17-07: Audiobugged>> Bombaywalla, Just to clarify the Redpoint in Dan>> Wright’s room was a Model SC = "Spoiled Child" not a>> Model A.thanks for the correction Audiobugged. 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
RMAF 07 – My Favourites:Horn Loudspeakers:The Cogent Horns fed by Chris Brady’s electronics & Teres Model 360 TT. Very life-like, no horn shout & superb PRaT. I kept coming back to this room whenever I’d take a break. That told me somethin... 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
>> 10-16-07: Peepoy2>> Hi RMAF'07 attendees, >> Has anyone heard Danny Ritchie's latest speaker designs>> at RMAF? His GR Research LS-9 speakers were partnered>> with Red Rock amplifiers and his LS-6 speakers were >... 
Any previous Wadia users?? Or did everyone move?
I'm a recent Wadia owner compared to some of the others who have responded. Used to have a stock 860 & loved it in its stock form.Sent it to GNSC for mods & upgrade to the 861SE model. I love this CDP & do not plan to part w/ it.No reg... 
I've Fallen in Love With My Mistress
No problem Mitch4t! we'll wait, you'll be back!!! :-)You have cited you age so you have been around the block a time or two. So, you should know how to keep old faithful & the young butterfly happy at the SAME time! :-))Have loads of fun. 
Wadia 581i using as a pre any good
>> 07-11-07: Bar81>> The Wadia preamp section has never been "shi**y",correct! Now I know that it is as you said "in fact it's comparable to any decent preamp and much better than low end preamps". Not having the correct interconnect e... 
Wadia 581i using as a pre any good
>> 02-28-07: The_smokester>> I have a Wadia 861xi. My experience is the same as>> yours: it looses coherence without a very good pre to>> match it with the rest of the system.Hi The_smokester,I have an 861SE modified by GNS... 
Jolida 502A - Other owners, what speakers?
The main speakers I use w/ my 502A is a pair of Tannoy DMT10 Mk2 studio monitors. These are 94dB efficient thereby making the 60W/ch (I'm using KT88 right now) plenty. In this setup I'm using the 502A as an integrated amp i.e. CD to amp, amp to sp... 
"Great RCA interconnects under $100?"
>> 04-23-07: Tvad>> I chose a battery Omega Seamaster after my Seamaster>> chronometer was stolen. The battery version keeps>> outstanding time, unlike its chronometer brother,>> although the battery version isn't as ... 
1st Order Xovers....A question of absolute volume.
>> After speaker with Roy, it sounds like the Europas have>> a bad tweeter,.........>> So this is the answer to the mystery of why they seemed>> to have limited volume capability, which in a way makes>> me feel better... 
Ultralinear and Triode. What's the difference
The term ultra-linear is also called "distributed load amplifier" wherein the sceen 2 of the tube is DC biased from each half of the primary such that the tap point is 43% of the turns ratio or 18.5% of the impedance when measured from the primary... 
Wadia owners, what PLC are you you using?
am using the Mk1 version of the RGPC 400S. No complaints so far.My friend has a PS 300 that I used to feed my Wadia when I took it over & we fiddled w/ the waveform type & freq. Both of us could hear the sonic merits & demerits of the ... 
Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?
>> 01-13-07: Paul_music>> Have tried both Cardas and Virtual Dynamics with my>> system now. The Virtual Dynamics are much more>> impressive, staggering by comparison! I am getting>> Virtual Dynamics and MORE of them!!...