

Responses from bombaywalla

Theo, Chadlinz,I have lived in Germany, my home country & now the USA. Spent a -l-o-t- of time in Western Europe. If I add up the years spent in the Western world & in my home country, it works out to be a 50-50 split. With that experience... 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
>> 03-28-06: Stevecham>> As far as speaker design goes, the only two guys in>> this industry that know what hell they're doing are Jim>> Thiel and Richard Vandersteen.LOL! :-) 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Undertow,Thanks for making the suggestion. I did think of what you wrote & decided not to go ahead because (1) the digital inputs have been disabled per Wadia's recommendation. They suggested that if the unit is being used as a single-box play... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Spencer, Gmood1 & anyone who might be interested:I finally got my lazy ass to make a comparison between my Wadia 861SE with GNSC Reference mods & my Scott Nixon Saru DAC+. A Goliath & David sort of comparison as the 2 units are from th... 
this interesting question & its answers/suggestions by the various members certainly brings to light the attitudes of citizens of the Western world - material wealth reigns supreme & human relationships are -w-a-y- behind! A country filled... 
this is a hard thing to do! Having 2 boys less than 6 yrs old that are curious kittens, I can empathize w/ your situation. Little boys love buttons to push! :-) The more, the merrier for them! well, if you have speaker grills, then deploy for sure... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Undertow,just to clarify - the non-oversampling DAC that I have is a Scott Nixon Saru DAC+. It has nothing to do w/ the DAC-AH that Hudsonhawk is speaking about. 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Gmood1,this particular DAC is the DAC+ version implying that it comes w/ a 4Amp AC power supply. The power supply is heavier + bigger than the DAC itself! It's got a fixed power cord. This DAC is NOT bass-shy - plenty of good quality bass & ve... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
well, I was also looking for an inexpensive but good sounding DAC & a fellow who is local was selling a Scott Nixon Saru DAC+. Well, it cost me less than the DAC-Ah & so I took it for an audition. I have it for a day now so I've played jus... 
Bladelius "Grendel" amps
i have not heard a Bladeius amp so far but just FYI, Michael Bladelius used to work for Nelson Pass back in the old days of Threshold! Some of the older Threshold amps are actually Bladelius amps. 
what is jitter supposed to sound like?
Jlambrick, Gmood1,it is indeed correct to say that improvement in the digital & analog power supplies improves the sound. The less ripple there is in the power supplies & the better their ability to supply current helps in minimizing the p... 
what is jitter supposed to sound like?
there is some misinformation in one of the posts above:->> Depending on which "experts" you believe it is either>> still a problem today or ....yes, it still remains a problem today esp. in inexpensive CDPs & DVD players of which t... 
TARA REF. Gen + Speaker Cable vs. A. Zen SATORI?
well, I'm a TARA Labs Master Gen 2 user. I have their interconnect between CDP & pre + their speaker cables. From whatever I know about the TARA Labs Ref interconnect & speaker cable, it is exactly how you wrote it: polite on the top-end.F... 
Wadia Durability Experience Questions
Don_s,if my memory serves me correctly, almost all the "Wadia needs repair" threads that I have seen here on Audiogon are related to models that are old such as 10+ years. There are very few threads that pertain to recent models. Rja's experience ... 
TECH GURU's out there, how to clean Circuit Board?
thanks again on the feedback, Rapogee. looks like a job well done by yourself!