

Responses from bombaywalla

Idea to reduce RFI
well, at one point my brother had the same issue - FM radio channel playing thru his speakers! He solved it by using XLR interconnects. The balanced interconnects have the FM channel on both + & - wires but of opposite polarity thereby effecti... 
Meridian 808 vs 808.2
Thanks Bar81, Sbfx. 
Meridian 808 vs 808.2
sorry for the ignorance - what is the difference between the 808.2 & the 808.2i?? thank you. 
Wadia 861 SE or 581 SE.
Wait a minute, Chris10an! I do not think that the 861 came with a plastic remote. I am pretty damn sure of that: my friend used to own a 861B & that had a metal remote. I used own an 861 that had a metal remote (I upgraded mine to a SE version... 
Symphonic Line, Reference CD Player
>> Never owned their CD player, but have owned SL stuff>> over the 30 years of this hobby.Man, each time I read some posts on A'gon I find more users of Symphonic Line gear! That's great! :-) I was under the impression that there were ... 
Give Up?
Ok sparky, what was the issue with the cable itself? curious minds would like to know. thanks! 
Cary 306 SACD Professional
A friend of mine overseas just received this CDP (the Pro version, i.e.). I'm waiting to hear back from him.....His previous CDP was the Gryphon Adagio, which I've heard several times - simply a superb/fantastic CDP!! I wonder how the 306 Pro will... 
Wadia CD players direct to power amps opinions
You know, Bar81, I had the same experience!! I think I wrote this in another similar thread in 2007 (I can't find that thread 'cuz I forgot the title of it! ;-( )Anyway, I had TARA Labs Master Gen II interconnects & running my 861SE directly t... 
Reliable tube integrated for $1000
Lindisfarne,A Jolida integrated amp is just what you are looking for. These amps are great sounding for the money you pay for them & price-to-performance is even better when they are used.I say this from personal experience as I have a Jolida ... 
For people with experience with Class-A amps
Thanks very much everyone for responding to my question. 
For people with experience with Class-A amps
Rleff,they were taken soon after playback state (during the time I changed CDs or LPs). 
For people with experience with Class-A amps
Shadorne,very funny!! ha, ha, ha!! :-)OK, I get the point.My inexperience w/ class-A amps "forced" me to ask the audio community at large.Newbie to class-A cutting his teeth/getting his feet wet. Cut me a little bit of slack, chief! 
For people with experience with Class-A amps
Larryi, Aball,you guys have caught me on my symantics!! :-)1stly, this IS a class-A amp. The manuf reassured me several times. I had similar doubts hence I did communicate w/ the dealer on this.what I meant to convey when I wrote "At lower levels ... 
For people with experience with Class-A amps
Gs5556,thanks for your response. you bring up some good points. Maybe it's the different thermal resistances? 
For people with experience with Class-A amps
Elevick,>> Have you opened up the amp? Maybe things are not >> symetrical inside?I've opened the amp & done a very good inspection - things are very symmetrical inside.>> Are your speakers drawing the same power? Check the>...