

Responses from bombaywalla

Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Alex/Aplhifi,Thanks for providing some corrections & more info on the VRDS-NEO transports. I also believe that NEO is used as a dual purpose: one, as in NEO = new & second, because TEAC uses NEOdymium magnets now.IMHO, Lktanx posts, your p... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Jordan/Germanboxers,it appears that you have not spent much time in thinking about the CD transport stuff. When you write your posts, you seem to be writing ex-tempo & there does not seem to be much depth. you are also blowing the importance o... 
Thomasheisig,indeed the website "goodsoundclub" exists for a while. it is Romy The Cat's own website where he can say anything he wants to & in whatever language he wants to. He used to be a member here on A'gon & on AA but his outspoken l... 
Any Boulder pre/power amp users here?
rmaez@boulderamp.comis this the same Rick Maez who used to work at Jeff Rowland Design Group? 
Ayre V-5xe best tube pre-amp to match with?
Hi Frankpiet,>> taping of the cooling device of the V-5xe (tip from>> Chrles Hansen)I didn't quite understand this part. Can you please elaborate? Thanks! 
I Didn't Do My Homework
Mitch4t,there was a very recent thread on XLR-->RCA adapters & I believe that you contributed too (?). There were a number of members, who I consider have their heads on their shoulders, who said that the Neutrik adapters from Partexpress.c... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
>> 04-05-06: Undertow>> I got a little lost on the Re-attaching the XO or>> superclock,look at this pagehttp://www.tentlabs.com/Support/Support.htmlclick on "XO 2 and 3" to read the mounting instructions to understand what I'm ta... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Undertow,As I understand it, when mods are done that EXCLUDE the clock mod, the modifications are (1) improving the power supplies - digital & analog, (2) upgrading coupling capacitors, (3) improving the rise & fall times of the digital ou... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Gmood1,I think that we have been agreeing on almost everything all along & just didn't read close enough to recognize that.I think that re-stating what my hypothesis could have helped clear the air a bit - I was/am looking for the dominant cau... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Gmood1,>> You must ask yourself. Why use a preamp between your>> Wadia and amplifier?the answer is very simple: Wadia's digital gain control is the absolute pitts! Sonically, it stinks! I know I'm an owner but I will not prop up this u... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
Gmood1,yes, 10K input imp of the next stage vs. the driving stage is not written in stone. Usually the rule of thumb is 5X-8X. However, I've found that is not high enough & that 10X works 99% of the time successfully.OK, from your 2nd lengthie... 
Merlin VSM-MM v. VSM-MX
I'm a non-owner but I have interest in this particular brand of speakers. Needless to say, I stand corrected by the manuf & any other Merlin owner.For 1 thing, the MM cabinet is less damped (lower Q) than the MX cabinet (which is higher Q). Th... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
>> 04-02-06: Gmood1>> Bombaywalla,>> .......I'm thinking that some of the differences you>> were hearing had a lot to do with the output impedance>> of the Wadia (51 ohms) verses the SN DAC ( guessing>> maybe 30... 
Small form factor, budget DACs?
>> 04-02-06: Hudsonhawk>> It's funny, I made a similar note when listening that>> Bombaywalla did while listening to his Nixon DAC - bad>> CD's sound *bad*. I've got two theories about this - I>> wonder if either thes... 
Hi Seandtaylor99,you seem to be the only one to openly acknowledge this. The others seem confrontational &/or in denial (to various degrees). Yes, this audio gear is expensive. Yes, this audio gear is expensive to fix if it breaks accidently o...